


“PIC-MC”. That’s the new acronym for the Hercules Pinkney Life Sciences Park at Montgomery College, now called the Pinkney Innovation Complex for Science and Technology at MC. The name change reflects the development project’s mission of fostering a more innovative workforce by partnering with the business community. Dr. Hercules Pinkney, for whom the complex is […]

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MC in the News

MC in the News

“There is a notion of academic elitism where community colleges are considered inferior to other institutions but we reject that. At the end of the day, the outcomes of the colleges show there is little to prove they are inferior.” —Dr. DeRionne Pollard, Times of India, “Community Colleges Not Inferior: US Academic” (March 4, 2016) […]

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Ethiopia Findings

Ethiopia Findings

A group of 27 students and faculty traveled to Gondar, Ethiopia, in January as part of the Study Abroad Program. The 10-day study tour featured nine Montgomery College students conducting research on Ethiopia and presenting their findings before faculty and students at the University of Gondar. Other highlights of the tour included visiting the National […]

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Before You Travel

Before You Travel

Dr. Gregory Malveaux’s new book, Look Before Leaping: Risks, Liabilities, and Repair of Study Abroad in Higher Education, (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) merges first-hand accounts, best practices, court trends and cases, and essential texts for a comprehensive study abroad in higher education. “In light of recent events in Brussels,” says Malveaux, “and with the odd […]

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Guyana Prize for Literature Award

Guyana Prize for Literature Award

Dr. Stanley Niamatali, professor of English, won the Guyana Prize for Literature in the category of Best First Book of Poetry. His book, The Hinterlands, centers around his memories of life on a sawmill along the Berbice River in eastern Guyana.

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Student Architects: Designing for the Real World

Student Architects: Designing for the Real World

Students presented architectural designs for an “Outdoor Office Modules” project, to be built in downtown Silver Spring by Peterson Companies. Professor Shorieh Talaat ’76 tasked his Principles of Design (ARCH 201) students with developing a “kit of parts” that could be fabricated and assembled on site to create a portable, moveable outdoor work environment. During […]

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Top Honors

Top Honors

Montgomery College was named a Top School in Military Advanced Education & Transition’s 2016 Guide to Colleges & Universities. The College was among private, public, for-profit, and not-for-profit, four-year, and two-year colleges. Institutions were evaluated on military culture, financial aid, flexibility, general support, on-campus support, and online support services.

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Global Humanities and Xian University

Global Humanities and Xian University

Sixteen faculty, staff, and administrators traveled to China this spring. The trip included cultural explorations of Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau, and a visit to Xian Province. The Global Humanities Institute has had an academic partnership with Xian University since 2013. “Seminars Abroad” in China, India, and El Salvador are an important part of the Global […]

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ATD Invitation

ATD Invitation

“Nearly one-half of all students seeking higher education choose a community college. Fewer than half of those students actually finish what they start.” — The College is now a participating member of the Achieving the Dream National Reform Network (ATD), a national organization comprising more than 200 higher education institutions, plus coaches, advisers, investors, and […]

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Honoring Dr. Ackerman

Honoring Dr. Ackerman

The College Board of Trustees formally recognized the 43-year career of Dr. Judy E. Ackerman, vice president and provost of the Rockville Campus, renaming the campus’s Math/Science Center in her honor last December. Ackerman began her career at the College in the Math Department in 1972. She was a leader across the College, in the […]

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