
Insights, the magazine for Montgomery College alumni and friends, highlights people, events, and partnerships that make MC unique among higher education institutions. Insights was established in 2001. It is produced by the Montgomery College Office of Communications. Print versions deliver twice a year (May and November) to 100,000 readers in all 50 states.

Insights Online serves a global readership and is updated throughout the year. See Archives for past issues (PDF).

Guidelines for Contributors: Please review past issues in our Archives to become familiar with Insights content. Magazine departments include Features (1,000-1,500 words) on people, places, or ideas that portray the value of community college education and contributing to the larger community, Alumni Profiles (750-1,200 words) and Mini Profiles (500-750 words), Raptor Notes (college news), Arts & Entertainment stories (500-1,200 words).

Please submit a query letter for features and departments. If accepted, paperwork is a three*-step process: 1) we require an estimate (submitted to the Editor), which includes your contact information, date, general description of services (include word count), date of delivery, and the agreed-upon rate. 2) A formal contract must be signed and returned to the editor before work commences. 3) Upon completion of work (emailed to editor) an invoice to the College must be submitted. Payment is made within 20 days of the article’s approval by the editor.

*First-time writers must also complete a W-9 form, which is kept on file.

Photography provided by freelancers should include a variety of vertical and horizontal images, as well as follow guidelines/goals established by the editor or art director before the shoot. Payment is negotiated in advance, similar to editorial submissions. Images become property of the College.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.
