
International Partnerships

International Partnerships

Montgomery College had the seventh largest number of international students enrolled of all the community colleges in the United States. The College saw 1,877 international students take classes in 2014–2015. According to an Institute of International Education report, only two-year schools in Texas, California, and Washington had more international students enrolled during that time. The […]

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House of Blair

House of Blair

[rev_slider BlairHouse] Students at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus amble past it, generally paying more attention to their cell phones than the architecture. Georgia Avenue traffic motors past it, coughing out carbon monoxide alongside it. Birds perch atop it, eyeing the old-growth trees and park visitors nearby. With time and vacancy, the old house at […]

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Sole  Searching

Sole Searching

[rev_slider Tocci] Pictographs unearthed at the tomb of Ankhmahor, a physician around 2330 BC, show two seated men receiving massages on their hands and feet. Could the ancient Egyptians have been the first practitioners of the pain-relieving—and stress-reducing—remedy known as reflexology? Reflexologists work from maps of pressure points on the feet and hands, which, in […]

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Dawn of a New Day

Dawn of a New Day

Montgomery College World Music Professor Dawn Ieriho:kwats Avery. One of the darkest episodes in Native American history from the mid-1900s through the 1960s was the removal and isolation of children from their families, traditions, and culture to assimilate them into the dominant culture. Young children were forcibly ripped from their homes, often taken far from […]

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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

When Eric Reid ’92 and his wife, Crisoire, began farming their 300 acres in the Dominican Republic, their dream was to build a business that would sustain their families, both in the United States and the Dominican Republic. Over several years, they raised crops and livestock—papayas, tangerines, pigs, and cattle—and with each ag-venture, they learned […]

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A Talent for Genius

A Talent for Genius

When the early morning phone call in September 2010 came out of the blue, sculptor Elizabeth Turk ’92 was on the road in Colorado. Seated next to her was former Montgomery College classmate Kirara Kawauchi ’92, a close friend, fellow artist, and collaborator. On the line was the MacArthur Foundation’s Dan Socolow. Turk remembers exactly what […]

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Marga Fripp ’05, Founder and President of Empowered Women International

Marga Fripp ’05, Founder and President of Empowered Women International

Marga Fripp ’05 learned how to run a successful nonprofit by the age of 23 in her native Romania. There, Fripp founded and led a nonprofit organization that provided services to women survivors of domestic violence and advocated for legislation. Fripp also hosted a local TV talk show that promoted discussion of women’s rights; its […]

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My Year in Tanzania

My Year in Tanzania

Wonderful or terrible, there is never ever an ordinary boring day in Tanzania. Extraordinary beauty of flora, fauna, and the Swahili language inundated my senses. In the ocean air, everything rusts, roads crumble, rains flood. “Kiswahili Time” means ‘whenever, but certainly not now.’ Tanzanians are unflappably polite no matter what is happening—good or bad. An […]

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Fit For A New Career

Fit For A New Career

Julie Mathis’s inner athlete was struggling to get out. The former high school athlete took a full load of physical education courses at Messiah College in Grantham, Pa., back in the early 90s. But when it came time to think about a major, Mathis chose computer applications, for which she received an associate’s degree from […]

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Proving Her Metal

Proving Her Metal

Dalya Luttwak’s life has been a journey of pulling up and putting down roots. As World War II started its sweep across Europe, Luttwak’s parents escaped Czechoslovakia and replanted themselves in Israel. She studied art history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and then metal art at Montgomery College. Professor Komelia Okim mentored her from […]

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