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using the plus one approach

Overwhelmed and do not know where to start implementing Universal Design or Universal Design for Learning principles? Learn about the ‘plus-one’ approach to help you to apply UD frameworks by breaking barriers and challenges down into more manageable pieces.

The plus-one approach

The plus-one approach is a model for prioritizing expanding alternate media modes, additional learner choices, and alternate modes of engagement to interactions.

  1. Identify your pinch points
    • student question patterns
    • where things go not as planned i.e. assignments and assessments
    • more explanation needed than provided
    • single stream or mode of materials
  2. Identify plus-one strategies to address pinch points
    • one way to keep learner on task
    • one more way to provide information
    • one more way to demonstrate skills
  3. Reflect and Prioritize
    • Consider available tools,
    • knowledge base,
    • time and bandwidth,
    • patters of opportunity,
    • and scope of work


  1. Identify 3-6 pinch points
  2. Identify strategies to address the pinch points
  3. Scope and rank what can be achieved



Meyer, A., Rose, D., Gordon, D. (2014). Universal Design for Learning: Theory and practice. CAST Professional Publishing.
Tobin, T. & Behling, K. (2018). Reach everyone, teach everyone: Universal Design for Learning

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