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Welcome to the Universal Design Center! Our site is currently undergoing a redesign to bring you a fresh and improved website experience. Please pardon the dust as we work to make accessibility and inclusion more central to everything we do. Stay tuned for updates!

Upcoming Workshops

Using Technology to Teach with Empathy  Date: 9/14/2023  Time: 1 - 2 pm     Yuja Advanced  Date: 9/14/2023  Time: 2 - 4 pm via Zoom    Unlock the Potential of Your Classroom with Universal Design for Learning (UDL)  Dates:…

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Fall 2023 Dates to Remember

MC's Move the Needle Challenge   Date: All Month (September 2023) Harness the power of Blackboard Ally this month by leveraging its intuitive tools and feedback to move the needle, ensuring content is inclusive and reachable for all learners. 

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YuJa at Montgomery College

YuJa, a video management platform, has been implemented at Montgomery College to support faculty and staff in creating high-quality and accessible educational content. Training is provided in collaboration with ELITE to support Montgomery College employees’ success in creating and utilizing…

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Spring 2023 Events and Workshops

Inclusion by Design Summit - May 5, 2023 Save the Date! This virtual conference will offer multiple workshops, speed sessions, and a networking session!  The Inclusion by Design Summit’s goal is to embrace inclusive design practices and empower others to…

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Blackboard Ally

2022 Blackboard Ally Open Labs

What is your +1 or next step towards making your Blackboard content more inclusive and accessible for your students? During the Blackboard Ally open labs, we will be discovering some quick wins using Blackboard Ally as an accessibility testing tool…

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