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Empowering and Engaging Students

Across U.S. higher education, the instructor faces the challenge of teaching the course’s learning outcomes, content, and skills to an increasingly diverse student population in a limited amount of time.  Reaching these students will increase the chances that they will…

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Using Game Mechanics to Motivate Learning Behaviors

Facilitator Name:  Angela Lanier Distinguish gamification from game-based learning, Describe several game mechanics, their purposes and examples of each, and Identify which game mechanics can target learningbehaviors relevant to your course. Download Using Game Mechanics to Motivate Learning Behaviors Presentation…

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Interdisciplinary Humanities Lab

Facilitators:  Leah Sneider & Angela Lanier The Lab Hosts create a lab based on a theme that correlates with the course but without necessarily relying on specific course content so that any student from across disciplines could jump in and…

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Role Playing a Process

Students play the role(s) of some moving aspect of a process. Different parts of the classroom can be key stations/stops to represent parts of a process. Download Role Playing a Process Presentation

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Modify an Existing Program

I put a written program on an accessible location that is "read only" for students. The students copy it and run it, and then I ask them to modify it. Download Modify An Existing Program Presentation

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One Sentence Summary

The purpose of the One Sentence Summary assessment technique is to have students summarize completely and concisely significant information in one sentence, using Who? Does What? To What or Whom? When? Where? How? Why? After answering these questions, students formulate…

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Documented Problem Solutions

Although the title suggests this technique is for math and science courses, humanities, social science, art, and English faculty have used it equally effectively. The purpose is to have students become aware of how they arrived at the answer, not…

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One-Minute Paper

The instructor stops class 2-3 minutes early and asks students to briefly answer some version of the following two questions: “What was the most important thing you learned today during class?” and “What important question remains unanswered?” Download One-Minute Paper…

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