ELITE Newsletter
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Active Learning-Jigsaw
Purpose Jigsaw is a cooperative learning technique developed by Elliot Aronson (1978) in which students leave their teams to work in expert groups to gather specific information or complete a portion of a task. It allows teams to divide a…
Scaffolding Examples
Two Examples of Scaffolding Writing: One example of scaffolding used for writing is the PICK Analysis, a strategy developed by MC Professor Hannah Weiser, JD/MBA. PICK Analysis asks students to make a Point, Identify and explain concepts, Connect the facts, and give a Key takeaway. For more information on the PICK Analysis, watch this video. Problem Solving: Another example uses…
Modes of Course Delivery: Online Teaching
Online Teaching What is Online Teaching? Online instruction refers to course that are delivered virtually online. Students and instructors connect via technology to review lectures, submit assignments and communicate with one another. Types of online courses: 1. Web-enhanced. Supplemental Face-to…
Modes of Course Delivery: Face-to-Face Teaching
Face-to-face Teaching What is face-to-face Teaching? As the name implies, face-to-face instruction occurs when the instructor and the students are gathered in the same place at the same time. Thus, instruction occurs synchronously, of course. This is the traditional mode…