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Teaching Tips of the Month

The Faculty Program for Active Learning in STEM (GTSTEP/PALS), the Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM (TIDES) grant project, and ELITE are happy to bring you the "Student Engagement Tips of the Month". Both PALS (with its focus…

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Incivility: Concrete Tools to Manage Conflict

Facilitators: Lena Choudhary & Jasline Moreno What in primary education is called bullying, in college is called incivility and manifests itself, for instance, in eye rolling or gossip. This workshop will provide concrete strategies and food for thought to help…

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Can We Teach Empathy

Facilitators: Rita Kranidis, Heather Satrom & Deborah Taylor The global humanities approach to teaching trains students to be engaged global citizens, which largely relies on a sense of connectedness to others and concern for their well-being. This session explores the…

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