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One can think of teaching and learning as two sides of a coin. No matter how skillfully you teach, that’s only one side. The other side of the coin reflects how skillfully students learn.

This pedagogical discussion will focus on highlights from the book Teach Students How to Learn: Strategies You Can Incorporate into Any Course to Improve Student Metacognition, Study Skills and Motivation by Saundra McGuire. Topics from the book include:

  • Why Don’t Our Students Already Know How to Learn?
  • Metacognition: What It Is and How It Helps Students Become Independent Learners
  • Mindset Matters
  • Connections Between Motivation, Emotions and Learning

Study Smarter is a short video of Dr. Saundra McGuire on the Study Cycle. See the video here.

The entire e-book is available through MC Libraries. You can access the e-book by going to the following link

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this discussion, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe three ideas from the book Teach Students How to Learn that they can use in their teaching.
  2. Describe one idea they can begin using immediately.

Pedagogical Discussion
Friday, September 15, 2017
GT, PK 170
Facilitator: Tom Cantu

ELITE sponsors a Pedagogical Discussion each month throughout the academic year. Register today through MC Learns.

Upcoming discussions:

Friday, Oct. 27, 11am-noon, TP/SS RC 211
Open Pedagogy
Facilitated by Alison (Qing) Yu

Thursday, Nov. 16, 2-3pm, RV Room TBD
Digital Natives: Should We Train Them Differently?
Facilitated by Michele Knight

Friday, Dec. 8, 2-3pm, TP/SS Room TBD
World Class Learners: Educating Entrepreneurial and Creative Students
Facilitated by Carol Moore

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