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Hereinafter Denied, Hereinafter Forgotten: No Sign by Peter Balakian and History of Forgetfulness by Shahé Mankerian  

Hereinafter Denied, Hereinafter Forgotten: No Sign by Peter Balakian and History of Forgetfulness by Shahé Mankerian   Artsakh is a sign, as is Mt. Ararat, where, according to the Biblical account, Noah’s Ark found its final rest. Genocide, the neologism coined…

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Editor’s Note: Commonspire My reach exceeded my grasp, but when I coined the title to this note in an essay on the Potomac Review website in October 2016, the neologism was meant to suggest a vision for the future that…

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Cadence and Disclosure

Editor’s Note:  Cadence and Disclosure by Albert Kapikian Like other literary journals, a literary journal that issues out of a community college issues out of a collaboration between the arts and the humanities, between, that is, writers and editors, those…

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