International Partnerships
Montgomery College had the seventh largest number of international students enrolled of all the community colleges in the United States. The College saw 1,877 international students take classes in 2014–2015. According to an Institute of International Education report, only two-year schools in Texas, California, and Washington had more international students enrolled during that time.
The College is coordinating its efforts to forge new partnerships with distinguished higher-education institutions based in Asia and Europe. Working with US-Asia Links, LLC, a Rockville-based company that is the official trade representative of the state of Maryland, the College will focus on partnerships that involve innovative technologies, health care, higher education, environmental sustainability, infrastructure development, and real estate development.
A new Teacher Exchange Program creates opportunities for middle school and high school teachers in Montgomery County and Daejeon, South Korea. The College will provide various teaching workshops, while MCPS will provide classroom teaching experiences. Partners include Montgomery County Public Schools, Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education, and JG Business Link International.
Arab American Heritage Month events included a student/alumni colloquium featuring essays, research papers, and other student-produced projects that focused on Arab and Arab-American issues. Theme: “Building a Culture of Respect: Enriching Minds, Engaging Hearts, Creating Global Community.”
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