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During 2017, Montgomery College and the community came together to consider the future of the College’s Takoma Park/Silver Spring (TP/SS) Campus and, specifically, the modernization of its math and science classrooms and laboratories. In a series of Community Conversations, co-hosted by the City of Takoma Park, the College engaged directly with an array of stakeholders to learn and understand their needs. The City hosted the first two Conversations, with the third Conversation held at the TP/SS Campus. Each event was recorded and comments were documented.

The campus’ adjacent neighbors, residents of Takoma Park and Silver Spring, government officials, students and alumni, faculty and staff, and many other community leaders gave significant time and energy to these Conversations—more than 100 people attended each event. Following the Conversations, the College also offered an online, open-to-the public web page to ensure all those interested had an opportunity to engage and provide feedback.

The dialogue ultimately involved extensive discussions about the need for modern math and science classrooms and laboratories. The discussiosn involved the location and building concepts for the needed facilities in the College’s current 2013-2023 facilities master plan (FMP) which replaces Science South and Falcon Hall, and its previous 2006-2016 FMP which replaces Science North and Science South. The concensus for the need for modern math and science facilities was clear and resounding.


After delaying the project and reviewing the options, Montgomery College President, Dr. DeRionne Pollard, determined that the most prudent course of action was to continue as planned with the replacement of Science South and Falcon Hall. She announced her decision on September 29, 2017 in this letter to the community.

Facilities Master Plans



Fact Sheets

FAQ’s About the Project

Community Comments on Building Location

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