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Welcome to MC’s Blackboard Learn Ultra Transition Hub!

MC is ready to take our learning management system (LMS) to the next level as we transition from Blackboard Learn Original to Blackboard Learn Ultra. This transition is a collaborative effort across all departments and faculties at MC. Together, we will ensure that the shift to Blackboard Learn Ultra is not only smooth but also enhances our learning and teaching capabilities.  

Our move to Blackboard Learn Ultra is more than an upgrade; it’s a significant step forward in our commitment to providing accessible, flexible, and innovative educational opportunities. Blackboard Learn Ultra features a fully responsive (mobile friendly) and streamlined navigation with a modern, clean design. The Blackboard Learn Ultra experience makes it easier for instructors to create, deliver, and manage courses and for students to access content and resources that support their learning journey. 

On this site, you’ll find curated resources and information to help you familiarize yourself with Blackboard Learn Ultra’s features and capabilities. Join us as we embark on this exciting journey to elevate our teaching and learning environment, ensuring MC remains at the forefront of academic excellence and student success. 

Blackboard Learn Ultra @ MC Transition Plan 

The transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra is structured in three phases (from Spring 2024 to Fall 2025), each tailored to progressively prepare and engage our college community with the tools and training needed for a seamless experience. From initial capacity building within our core teams to a college-wide rollout and full adoption, this structured approach ensures everyone at MC is supported and empowered throughout this journey. We are committed to supporting our faculty and students through each phase of this transition. By Fall 2025, MC will have completed the transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra, marking a new era of innovative and responsive education. 

Overview of MC's transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra in three phases.

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As we begin our Blackboard Learn Ultra journey, the first phase of our focuses on building our internal capacity. This spring, we are engaging in a comprehensive training and development program designed for our support staff and early adopters. Key activities during this phase include: 

  • Specialized workshops and training sessions led by Blackboard Learn Ultra experts to equip our core team to support with the transition and promptly address any technical challenges along the way. 
  • Creating a cohort of early adopters (our First Movers group) composed of select faculty who will lead the way in exploring and implementing Blackboard Learn Ultra in their courses while providing feedback and spreading the word with their colleagues.  

In the second phase of our transition, we will expand our efforts to encompass the wider MC community. This phase is marked by: 

  • A structured rollout of curated trainings and resources to all faculty, including how-to guides, online learning modules, and live Q&A sessions. 
  • Active monitoring and evaluation of the training implementation to ensure effectiveness, with as-needed adjustments to support faculty and students. 

Phase 3: Intensive Training and Support (Spring 2025 – Summer 2025) 

The final phase of our transition is focused on preparing for full adoption across MC in Fall 2025. This phase will ensure that: 

  • Personalized and advanced training opportunities and support are available for all faculty and staff, catering to different levels of expertise and department-specific needs. 
  • The entire MC community is ready for full Blackboard Learn Ultra adoption as the central hub for all courses and online learning activities. 

Why Blackboard Learn Ultra? 

MC is excited to introduce the array of enhanced features that Blackboard Learn Ultra brings to our community. Blackboard Learn Ultra is designed to focus on increased usability, efficiency, and accessibility for both faculty and students. Here’s what you can look forward to with the Blackboard Learn Ultra experience: 

Continuity This modern learning management system (LMS) is an extended and upgraded version of what we are used to in Blackboard Learn Original. Because Learn Original and Learn Ultra both fall under the same LMS, transitioning to Blackboard Learn Ultra will ensure an uninterrupted teaching and learning experience for faculty, students, and staff at MC. 

Streamlined InterfaceBlackboard Learn Ultra offers a more organized and consistent course layout, facilitating course development and enhancing student learning experience. The modern, intuitive interface simplifies navigation, making it easier and quicker for faculty to find what they need and allowing students to focus on learning rather than navigating. 

Mobile-friendly DesignThe Blackboard Learn Ultra experience is centered on a responsive, mobile-friendly design that allows faculty and students to access their courses easily from the devices at their fingertips. Blackboard Learn Ultra works seamlessly across desktops, tablets, and smartphones, ensuring access anytime, anywhere. 

Accessibility ImprovementsTransitioning to Blackboard Learn Ultra furthers MC’s commitment to inclusivity and accessibility. Built-in accessibility features ensure that all students have equal access to course tools and materials, and the streamlined interface allows students to focus on the content they are learning without distractions. 

Enhanced Communication ToolsEnhanced discussion boards, messaging systems, and real-time notifications connect students and instructors. These tools foster a collaborative learning environment and ensure more straightforward and effective communication. 

Advanced AnalyticsFaculty will benefit from advanced analytics that provide insights into student performance and learning trends. This data-driven approach supports informed decision-making and the ability to tailor instruction to meet the needs of all students. 

Integrated Learning ToolsBlackboard Learn Ultra continues to seamlessly integrate a range of learning tools and third-party applications that enhance the educational experience for students and faculty. 

Strategic AlignmentThis transition aligns with MC’s transformational aspirations and our 2023-2028 strategic plan goal of enhancing educational and organizational effectiveness.  

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The Basics: What, When and Why

  • What is Blackboard Learn Ultra?
    Blackboard Learn Ultra is the latest version of Blackboard’s Learning Management System (LMS). It offers a more modern, intuitive, and streamlined user experience, with enhanced features that make online learning and teaching more efficient and engaging
  • When will the option to teach one or more courses in Blackboard Learn Ultra be available?
    Starting in the Fall semester of 2024, all instructors can teach one or more courses in Blackboard Learn Ultra. It is not required but strongly encouraged to familiarize yourself with Blackboard Learn Ultra as early as possible during this transition. 
  • When will ALL courses be fully taught in Blackboard Learn Ultra at MC?
    From the beginning of the Fall semester of 2025 (August), all courses at MC will be fully taught in Blackboard Learn Ultra. No new courses will be created in Blackboard Learn Original from that point forward. 
  • Why is MC moving to Blackboard Learn Ultra?
    We are transitioning to Blackboard Learn Ultra to provide a better online learning experience for both students and faculty. The updated platform offers a responsive design, improved navigation, and various tools to enhance the educational process

Building and Converting Courses 

  • Will my current courses be affected during the transition?
    We are taking great care to ensure a smooth transition and that your current courses are not adversely affected. Course migrations are being planned to minimize any disruptions.
  • When transitioning from Blackboard Learn Original to Blackboard Learn Ultra, will I need to recreate my course content from scratch, or can I copy my existing courses directly into Blackboard Learn Ultra?
    Blackboard is designed with tools and features that allow for the conversion of courses from Original to Ultra Course View. This process includes copying your existing courses into Ultra Course View, where they can then be adjusted or enhanced to take full advantage of Blackboard Learn Ultra’s features and user interface. It’s important to note that while course conversation aims to preserve the integrity of the original content, some manual adjustments or reconfigurations may be necessary to optimize the course for Blackboard Learn Ultra. It’s advisable to review the converted courses to ensure they meet your expectations and the learning objectives of your students.
  • As a faculty member, how do I transfer my course content to Blackboard Learn Ultra?
    The ELITE team has curated and prepared support resources to help faculty transfer their course content. Visit the Faculty Resources section for more information.

Learning about Blackboard Learn Ultra 

  • How can I learn to use Blackboard Learn Ultra?
    MC provides various training resources, including workshops, online tutorials, and one-on-one support sessions. Check out our curated Faculty Resources and Student Resources sections. 
  • I want to get started early with familiarizing myself with the Blackboard Learn Ultra experience. What should I do?  We encourage you to explore the resources on this webpage as a first step. Faculty have the option to request a development course in Blackboard Learn Ultra. There is also a self-paced training available through Blackboard Academy (access instructions in the Faculty Resources section). 
  • I would like to take a self-paced online training on Blackboard Learn Ultra. How do I do this?  Anthology, Blackboard’s parent company, has a self-paced training on the basics of Blackboard Learn Ultra that is available to the MC community. This training may take around 20 hours to complete. It is not required and is indented as a resource. Once you access the training for the first time, it will be available for 180 days. Instructions to access are in the Faculty Resources section).

Features of Blackboard Learn Ultra 

  • Can I access Blackboard Learn Ultra on my mobile device?
    Yes, Blackboard Learn Ultra is designed to be fully responsive, which means it can be accessed and used on any smartphone or tablet with an internet connection, in addition to desktop computers and laptops
  • Are there any new features in Blackboard Learn Ultra that will help with online assessments?
    Blackboard Learn Ultra includes various new features designed to enhance online assessments, including improved test-building tools, more options for question types, and enhanced analytics to track student performance

Technical Questions and Support  

  • What does this mean for Organizations in Blackboard? 
    Until Spring 2026, Organizations will continue to function in Original Course View as we are focusing on courses in our three-phase plan. More information will be forthcoming on this.
  • Will there be any downtime during the transition?
    The ELITE team is working diligently to minimize downtime. Any necessary downtime will be scheduled during off-peak hours and with advance notice to all impacted users
  • What should I do if I encounter issues with Blackboard Learn Ultra?
    If you experience any issues, please contact the MC IT Service Desk. Faculty and students can contact the Blackboard Help Desk for assistance any time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week):
    – Email:
    – Phone: 240-567-7222, select option #2 for Blackboard Support 
  • As a faculty member, where should I direct students who have questions?
    Students can contact the Distance Learning team at MC by email: Students can also reach out to the Blackboard Help Desk for assistance any time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week):
    – Email:
    – Phone: 240-567-7222, select option #2 for Blackboard Support
  • I work in the MC Library and I have questions about the transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra. Who should I contact?
    Please reach out to your supervisors or for more information and resources specific to the library. 

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  • What is Blackboard Learn Ultra?
    Blackboard Learn Ultra is the latest version of Blackboard’s Learning Management System (LMS). It offers a more modern, intuitive, and streamlined experience, with enhanced features that make online learning more efficient and engaging. The version of Blackboard before this transition was called Blackboard Learn Original. MC is gradually moving our courses over to Blackboard Learn Ultra in phases, and we will be fully transitioned by the Fall semester of 2025.  
  • Will some of my classes be in Ultra Course View and some in Original Course View?
    During MC’s phased transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra, you may notice some of your classes have the Ultra Course View, and some have Original Course view. This is because instructors and support staff need time to transition all of MC’s classes to Blackboard Learn Ultra. we will be fully transitioned by the Fall semester of 2025.
  • Can I access Blackboard Learn Ultra on my mobile device?
    Yes, Blackboard Learn Ultra is designed to be fully responsive, which means it can be accessed and used on any smartphone or tablet with an internet connection, in addition to desktop computers and laptops.
  • What should I do if I encounter issues with Blackboard Learn Ultra?
    If you experience any issues, please contact the MC Help Desk. Students can contact the Blackboard Help Desk for assistance any time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week):
    – Email:
    – Phone: 240-567-7222, select option #2 for Blackboard Support

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Support for Faculty

ELITE encourages all faculty to utilize these resources as we move forward with this important transition. Your participation in this process is invaluable and greatly appreciated. Together, we will continue to create a dynamic and supportive learning environment at MC. 

The purpose of a development course in Blackboard Learn Ultra is for you to familiarize yourself with the interface and explore creating/copying course content.

Please note:

  1. Development courses are not connected to a CRN and are not for use with students.
  2. Development courses are for Faculty use. Due to a high request volume, at this time we can offer one development course per faculty member.
  3. All course sites for real courses with CRNs are created automatically 60 days in advance of the first day of the term, using the course listing information in the Banner system.
  4. Use this form only if you are an instructor who needs a development “sandbox” course to practice building in the Blackboard Learn Ultra course view.
  5. Requests will take 3 – 5 business days to process and complete.

Faculty: to request a development “sandbox” course, please complete the Blackboard Learn Ultra Development Course Request Form


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The MC Learn Ultra transition team invites you to join us virtually or on the Rockville campus this summer for office hours. We are here for you to answer questions and connect you to resources around MC’s transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra.  

Office Hours Sign Up Instructions 

  1. Faculty: Please ensure you have access to a development course sandbox in Blackboard Ultra before attending office hours.
  2. Please review the schedule below and choose an office hours date.
  3. Email your chosen date to We will send you a calendar invitation with the Zoom link or room number.

Zoom Office Hours – Summer Schedule 2024

  • Tuesday, 06/25/2024, 1:30-3:00pm 
  • Tuesday, 07/02/2024, 1:30-3:00pm
  • Tuesday, 07/16/2024, 1:30-3:00pm
  • Tuesday, 07/30/2024, 1:30-3:00pm
  • Tuesday, 08/06/2024, 1:30-3:00pm
  • Tuesday, 08/13/2024, 1:30-3:00pm

In-Person Office Hours on the Rockville Campus – Summer Schedule 2024

**We encourage you to bring your own laptop, charger, and mouse (if desired) to in-person office hours if possible. We also have a limited number of laptops available on site** 

  • Friday, 06/28/2024, 1:30-3:00pm 
  • Wednesday, 07/10/2024, 3:00-4:30pm
  • Friday, 07/26/2024, 1:30-3:00pm
  • Friday, 08/23/2024, 1:30-3:00pm

Questions about office hours? Please email 

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As MC transitions to Blackboard Learn Ultra, we are committed to providing comprehensive training and robust support to ensure our faculty and students are well-equipped to take full advantage of the new system. Our approach to training and support is multifaceted, designed to cater to various learning styles and schedules. ELITE is dedicated to supporting our faculty through every step of the transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra, and we will be offering a range of comprehensive services starting in Summer 2024. Please contact us if you have questions in the meantime.  

Hands-on Workshops 

  • ELITE will offer a series of workshops led by experienced instructors covering the essential features of Blackboard Learn Ultra. These workshops will include hands-on sessions where faculty can learn how to navigate the new interface, utilize the enhanced tools, and transfer content to their courses. 
  • Departmental/Unit/Program focused consultations and training sessions will be available in Phase 2.  Link to submit a request  for a consultation or training session coming soon!

Virtual Trainings & One-on-One Support Sessions 

  • Virtual training sessions and weekly virtual office hours dedicated to our transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra and other popular Blackboard topics are available. Training and Office Hours schedule will be posted soon! 
  • ELITE will offer personalized one-on-one support sessions to meet varying individual needs. These sessions allow faculty and staff to work directly with a Blackboard Learn Ultra expert to address specific questions or challenges.  Link to request a 1:1 consultation coming soon!

Curated Resources 

  • Our comprehensive collection of Blackboard Learn Ultra Course View tutorials, guides, FAQs, best practice tips and how-to videos for using Blackboard Learn Ultra are accessible any time from our online resource hub, which is regularly updated to reflect the latest features and teaching strategies. 

First Movers Group 

  • A select group of faculty members form the First Movers Group, the pioneers in Blackboard Learn Ultra at MC. This group will share their insights and experiences and help shape future training for their colleagues. For more information, check out our news section

Ongoing Evaluation and Support 

  • Training and support will be ongoing, with regular evaluations to ensure the effectiveness of our programs. We will continue to adapt and expand our support services in response to the evolving needs of our community. You are welcome and encouraged to share your feedback with us any time. 

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For general Blackboard Support or assistance related to the Blackboard Learn Ultra Transition, check out the supports below: 

Blackboard Learn Ultra Quick Start Guide 

Interactive Tool Guides: 

Best Practices in Blackboard Learn Ultra 

Self-Paced Online Blackboard Learn Ultra Training via Blackboard Academy

Anthology, Blackboard’s parent company, has a self-paced training on the basics of Blackboard Learn Ultra that is available to the MC community. This training may take around 20 hours to complete. It is not required and is indented as a resource. Once you access the training for the first time, it will be available for 180 days. Instructions to access are below: 

  1. Start here:
    – If you have a Blackboard Academy account, you can go straight to logging in and step 2 below. 
    – If you do not yet have an account, click on View Course Catalog and then Sign Up on the top right-hand side. Follow the prompts to create an account and log in. 
  2. Once you are logged in, search for the following course name: “Learn Teaching Essentials for Ultra – 2024” and click on “Enroll Now”. 
  3. Logging into Blackboard Academy is separate from your regular Blackboard log in process. The “Learn Teaching Essentials for Ultra – 2024” course will not show up under your courses when you log in via MyMC, only when you log into Blackboard Academy.

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Join the MC Learn Ultra Transition team for a virtual information session about MC’s three-phase transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra. We will take you on a tour of MC’s Blackboard Learn Ultra resources and provide answers to FAQs.  

  • Monday, 4/1 – 4:00pm – 4:30pm 
  • Tuesday, 4/9 – 3:00pm – 3:30pm 
  • Wednesday, 4/17 – 2:00pm – 2:30pm 
  • Tuesday, 4/23 – 11:00am – 11:30am 
  • Friday, 5/3 – 12:00pm – 12:30pm 

Register for an information session in Workday

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Live Virtual Training 

These live virtual trainings are facilitated by the ELITE team via Zoom and will provide you with the essential skills you need to get started with Blackboard Learn Ultra.  

Blackboard Learn Ultra Basics | Register in Workday 

  • Monday, 5/13/2024 | 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM 
  • Monday, 5/13/2024 | 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM 
  • Wednesday, 5/15/2024 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
  • Thursday, 5/16/2024 | 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM 

Converting an Original Course to Ultra Course View | Register in Workday 

  • Monday, 5/13/2024 | 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM 
  • Tuesday, 5/14/2024 | 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM 
  • Tuesday, 5/14/2024 | 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM 
  • Thursday, 5/16/2024 | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM 

In-Person Open Labs  

Stop by in person to learn more about Blackboard Learn Ultra and get your questions answered by the ELITE team.  

  • Rockville: Monday, 5/13/2024 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM 
  • Germantown: Tuesday, 5/14/2024 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM 
  • Takoma Park/Silver Spring: Wednesday, 5/15/2024 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM 

Register for an open lab in Workday

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Support for Students

We understand that a smooth transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra is as important for our students as it is for our faculty. To support you in this change, the ELITE team has compiled a variety of resources designed to help you navigate and make the most of the new learning management system. 

How-to Guides for Students

Video Tutorials

Frequently Asked Questions 


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Blackboard Learn Ultra News @ MC 

  • Memo #1: March 1, 2024 – “Transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra”

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Feedback and Contact Us

To share comments, ideas and general feedback with the Blackboard Learn Ultra transition team at MC, please complete our Feedback Submission Form

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