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Collaborative Learning

Strategies to Develop Critical Thinking Skills Strategies to Foster Creativity Skills Strategies to Promote Communication Skills Strategies to Support Collaboration Skills

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Ice Breaker Activities

Ice-breakers are a good way to keep students engaged, particularly at the start of the course. For ideas, follow the links for specific ice-breaker activities. Candy Questions Personal Object Ice Breaker Sharing Characteristics and Making Commitments The Best Ever The…

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Keeping Everyone Involved

Engagement is a key element in student success (Boulton, Hughes, Kent, Smith, and Williams, 2019).  Kahu, Nelson, and Picton of the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia  put it this way: “Engagement is widely recognised as critical for learning and retention (2017).” Students who are actively involved in…

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Learning Styles

What are learning styles? All learners approach learning in different ways, and in education, there has been an ongoing debate about the role learning preferences play in aching learning outcomes. Despite the lack of research confirming the role that learning…

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