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Infusing Basic Skills in Our Classes

In these sessions, participants identified basic skills that were necessary but missing when observing student work and behavior. Discussions on possible strategies to try followed. Table 1 outlines basic skills that were identified and strategies suggested to help our students…

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Using Crafts to Promote Critical Inquiry

Using Crafts to Promote Critical Inquiry Vanessa Nakoski This presentation looks at the place of multi-modal learning through arts and crafts in college-level critical inquiry, specifically as it relates to literature. In particular, the session will look at how to…

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Transform Your Classroom with Augmented Reality

Transform Your Classroom with Augmented Reality Gloria Barron Attend this workshop to see how Augmented Reality (AR) extends the physical world with a virtual overlay through immersive and interactive experiences using mobile devices. Scanning trigger images with apps like Aurasma…

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Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students Student Worksheet

Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students Student Worksheet Henry Caballero and Caroline Toscano This workshop will provide participants with both the linguistic and pedagogical insights needed to effectively instruct linguistically diverse students at Montgomery College. Using institutional data and linguistically focused methodologies,…

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Teaching in Honors Courses

Teaching in Honors Courses Christina Devlin, Lucy Laufe, and Effie Siegel This workshop will explore best practices in teaching honors students. Along with presenting desired learning outcomes for honors students, classroom practices, assignments and assessments appropriate for honors students will…

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Teaching in Global Classrooms

(Begin of language: English) Teaching in Global Classrooms Marcia Bronstein, Shelley Jones, Rita Kranidis, Carla Naranjo and Greg Wahl For the past two years, the Global Humanities Institute has worked with our academic partners at the University of El Salvador…

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Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum

(Begin of language: English) (Begin of language: English) Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum Sue Haddad Montgomery College is seeing an increase in the number of students who identify on the Autism Spectrum. Many times, students have the interest and…

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