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Formative Assessment in Action

A formative assessment is an informal, low stakes way to check for student learning as quickly as possible during instruction. Formative assessments are ungraded (or graded for completion rather than accuracy). Formative assessment is student focused, instructionally informative, and is…

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Blackboard for Everyone

This PDF provides a brief overview of how Blackboard is used at Montgomery College for supplementing face to face courses. Participants will learn about ELITE’s Blackboard Training opportunities, and the differences between the various courses that are offered. There will…

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Teaching with Tough Empathy Pedagogy

Tough empathy pedagogy is an educational practice that requires faculty to listen to students about their misunderstandings, fears, and hopes in order to give them the appropriate guidance and support for success. This practice has the potential to improve faculty-student…

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Strategies Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students

This interactive workshop equips faculty with pedagogical skills needed to effectively teach the linguistically diverse students at Montgomery College. Using support their learning. Participants will take part in a gallery walk to explore samples of interactive elements, then design an…

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Teaching With the Brain in Mind

Terms like "growth mindset," "resilience” and "metacognition" have become prominent in the discourse on student success. At the same time, emerging research in neuroscience is transforming our understanding of how we learn. What are the implications for the way we…

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