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Background Knowledge Probe

A short, simple questionnaire prepared by the instructor and administered at the beginning of a term, a unit, or introduction of an important new topic. The questions focus on specific information students will need to succeed in subsequent class activities/assignments.…

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Digital Natives

Digital Natives ELITE Pedagogical Discussion Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:00 – 3:00 pm Rockville, SC 358 Facilitator:  Michele Knight Digital Natives, should we train them differently? We all have heard the term digital natives, which applies to those who have grown…

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Open Pedagogy – OER

Open Pedagogy ELITE Pedagogical Discussion Friday, October 27, 2017 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. TP/SS, RC 211 Facilitator:  Qing (Alison) Yu When we talk about Open Educational Resources (OER), we are more likely to communicate the basics what OER are,…

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Infusing Basic Skills in Our Classes

In these sessions, participants identified basic skills that were necessary but missing when observing student work and behavior. Discussions on possible strategies to try followed. Table 1 outlines basic skills that were identified and strategies suggested to help our students…

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How to Write Effective Learning Objectives

Learning objectives can provide guidance to students on what it is that they will achieve in the classroom or during online learning process.  The objectives are developed from three domains of behavioral changes; psychomotor (physical), affective (attitudinal), and cognitive (changes…

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Active and Collaborative Learning Techniques

This presentation will help you describe some important reasons to use collaborative and active classroom activities for successful student learning; name 4, 5 techniques that support collaborative and active learning; and create and implement at least 1, 2 classroom activities…

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