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Microsoft Teams Basics for SRT Classes

Instructions on how to use Microsoft Teams for Structured Remote Teaching classes. IMPORTANT NOTE: Microsoft Team and Microsoft Stream are not currently being supported by ELITE or IT for faculty, especially students. If you are planning to use these two…

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Review of Deep Work by Cal Newport

Review of Deep Work by Cal Newport Megan Calvert, Educational Specialist, WDCE/AEBSCC As we shift and settle into our work-from-home routines and manage distractions from family members, household tasks, and trying news reports, many of us could benefit from a…

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Dr. Collin Jones – Covid Part 2

Dr. Collin Jones, Biotechnology Program, discusses topics that include a review of Covid-19, how coronavirus spreads, coronavirus statistics and diagnostic test, and coronavirus therapies and vaccines. If you can't see video below, please view video on YouTube.

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Decolonization of Curriculum Presentations

Understand how to start diversifying materials and content within your discipline to address decolonization as it relates to power, and social and racial justice. Develop at least one concrete strategy to begin decolonizing higher education in your area. Consider how…

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Renewable Assignments by Zev Cossin

Professor Zev Cossin focuses on one method of open pedagogy known as renewable assignments. In this video he shares some of the experiences and lessons learned as he pushes forward and tests ideas to improve the learning process for Montgomery…

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Katie Linder – Resilience as Practice

Dr. Katie Linder, Executive Director for Program Development, Kansas State University Global Campus Resilience as Practice: Supporting Learning through Self-Care for Ourselves and Our Students Thursday, August 27, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. In the coming months, one of our most…

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