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Keeping Everyone Involved

Engagement is a key element in student success (Boulton, Hughes, Kent, Smith, and Williams, 2019).  Kahu, Nelson, and Picton of the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia  put it this way: “Engagement is widely recognised as critical for learning and retention (2017).” Students who are actively involved in…

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Learning Styles

What are learning styles? All learners approach learning in different ways, and in education, there has been an ongoing debate about the role learning preferences play in aching learning outcomes. Despite the lack of research confirming the role that learning…

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Making the Invisible Process Visible

The role of an instructor involves making abstract ideas tangible and complex processes comprehensible.  Doing so often requires showing, not just telling.  A more active or hands-on approach is often called for. As such, we frequently need to walk our…

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Delivery Modes of Instruction

Given recent advents in technology, there are now numerous ways of delivering instruction to students, though the traditional face-to-face mode of instruction remains popular.  The following section looks at face-to-face instruction and the continuum of distance learning, including web-enhanced classes,…

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