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Concerned to Return:

During this time of separation, some of us may have become more used to interacting with fewer people and turning inwards so that a return to meetings, classes, and in-person social events can be overwhelming initially and lead to greater anxiety, particularly as we have not been fully exercising our social skills for over a year (Michalska).

So much has changed since March 2020. (Sweeney and Pollitt). For many of us, one change has involved learning to work from home rather than going to an office every day. Although this change may have been quite stressful initially, the long duration of the pandemic has allowed us to adapt to our new normal, to become comfortable — or relatively so, at least — being at home most of the time. Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, we are feeling anxious as we now must return to the office, returning to once comfortable but now unfamiliar routines.

Consider the impact of the past 18 months:

  • We are emerging from a pandemic in which the virus not only has produced an illness, but it has killed many. The Delta variant is increasing. Our safety and that of our loved ones is not guaranteed. That, coupled with the fact that not everyone has agreed to get vaccinated means that herd immunity may not be achieved anytime soon, increasing the uncertain and unpredictable nature of the effect that the virus will have on our lives (Stets).
  • Other aspects of the anxiety are layered on top of the health and safety issue. What will my job look like when I return? Will I still be able to work from home sometime? Do I have the tools and skills to accommodate to new ways of doing my job? If I return to my job, is it secure so that I can continue to financially provide for myself and my family or is MC combining and reducing staffing? Can my family members take care of themselves should I return to in-person work?
  • Finally, there are likely personal issues that have emerged over the past year that some of us likely are wrestling with as we return to our work sites. Is this what I want to continue doing? Do I want a different career? Am I really happy with my current circumstances? Dealing with these issues also can generate anxiety because if a different path is contemplated, uncertainty is heightened with what the journey looks like.

Ideas to Help Reduce Anxiety:

  • Plan to gain a sense of control over the uncertain future — perhaps by revisiting your work wardrobe, dusting off your daily planner, or looking up some new recipes for lunch-on-the-go.
  • Look for the good in returning to work to boost hope and optimism and quiet worry and anxiety. Are there coworkers you’ve missed? Old routines that will be a welcome relief?
  • Find challenging, engaging activities to absorb your attention — a process called “flow” — and help pass the time pleasantly while you wait for the “old normal” to return.
  • Acknowledge that you are experiencing a moment of anxiety and sit with it. Practice a few moments of focused breathing and not attaching to the story of the thought. This can reduce the time in which the feeling of anxiety is experienced.
  • Planning and developing what habits you would like to maintain as you transition back to campus — for example, quiet morning routines, walks, and exercise. Consider what has benefited your overall wellbeing and make these non-negotiable.
  • Accepting that things will look different. Gaining support — friends, family, therapy — can be vital to adjustment.
  • Remember to take it one step at a time. Having boundaries and awareness of what can help you “ease back in” is an excellent place to start. Remember also that all thoughts are not facts.

A sense of adjustment will take time just as it did with the initial experience of quarantine. Remember that people will need to adjust according to their own needs. As we take this next step, it is important to be kind to ourselves and be aware that others may be facing similar challenges. We should view this as an opportunity to be more empathic and compassionate as we collectively struggle to physically re-enter social life (Michalska).

— “Anxious about returning to work? Psychologists offer insight and tips,” University of California, May 5, 2021.

Interested in reading the other Tips associated with this special edition of Working Remotely: Tip of the Week?

If you are excited to return, the following thoughts may be helpful.  If you identify with the second group, you are not alone and may benefit from the following information.  And, if you are a manager, read these tips to help your employees have a smooth(er) experience with their return.

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