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Thursday, March 1, 2018
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Rockville, MT 214
Facilitator: Angela Lanier

“A” means excellent, “C” means average, “F” means failure. Or do they?

What challenges do we face when determining grades, and what happens when students do not receive the grade they expect?

In this discussion, we will exchange ideas and experiences related to the meaning behind grades (for both the instructor and the students). To prepare for the session, review the following resources:

• Article: Adams, J. B. (2005). What makes the grade? Faculty and student perceptions, Teaching of Psychology, 32(1), pp. 21-24.

• Video: University of Maryland Teaching Transformation Center. (2013). The grading dilemma – Gaps between guidelines and reality.

• Identify some of the challenges of grading
• Describe strategies for communicating what grades mean and managing students’ grade expectations

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