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Dear Ask ELITE,

I’ve only been here for 4 months now and I’m still figuring things out, so please forgive me if I ask something that might be obvious to those who have been here longer.

At my prior institution we had an institutional subscription to Qualtrics – a highly robust survey and assessment tool. Does MC provide access to and/or support Qualtrics access at the institutional level, or something similar?

Thank you for your help,

Jessame Ferguson
Research and Teaching Associate Director
Montgomery College Library


MC does not use Qualtrics. When I asked Clary Brown in OIRA this was his response. Please inform Jessame of Clary’s response, which was:

“….. the College doesn’t have a standard survey tool that’s distributed to anyone who wants to create a survey. Just to keep a bit of a handle on things so that students, faculty and staff aren’t constantly bombarded, esp. by similar and uncoordinated types of surveys, we recommend that requesters send requests to me or OIT. My area uses two tools though: CVent Inquisim and SurveyGizmo. OIT also uses SurveyGizmo. Folks that have survey requests can always start the process by contacting me and I’ll advise and help in any way I can.”

Clary’s email is


Dr. Buddy Muse, ELITE



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