AI Literacy for College Students Video Series Dr. Nic Subtirelu of the English Department at…
ELITE Pedagogical Discussion
Effective Strategies for Promoting Deep Learning in Your Courses
Thursday, February 15, 2018
2:00-3:00 pm
Rockville, SW205
Facilitator: Laurent Ndeze
Professor may notice that some students experience surface learning while others experienced deep learning. We will talk about strategies that maximize student engagement and advance thinking skills. Some of the questions that we will address are:
- What is deep learning?
- What are learning tasks that would promote deep learning?
- What is the relationship between deep learning and active learning?
By the end of the discussion, you will be able to:
1. Define deep learning
2. Explain the relationship between deep learning and active learning
3. Identify one or two design or delivery strategies that can promote deep learning in your course
4. Explain the difference between surface and deep learning
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