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Revelation  by Sarah Starr Murphy Her mother named her Margaret, but the name slid off the infant’s greasy, vernix-coated skin. Everyone who loved the child called her Sweet One. Sweet One’s childhood was the rippling hush of barley in a…

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Song in the Dark

by Naomi Thiers Song in the Dark Will you take all my youth, yank outevery pearl, leaving me stunned, mouthinga garbled message in the dark? How many friends of my heartare dead now, or their bold strokes dimmed(by you) to…

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The Missing Link

————————Cullen McMahon———————— THE MISSING LINK WHEN the doorbell rang, I was in my room pretending to put on a holiday sweater while actually playing my fifth consecutive hour of Super Mario Brothers. In those days I had a Nintendo with…

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The Annunciation

___________Jory Mickelson______________ The Annunciation We lived in a world mostlyunlike the world. We didn’t knowthe names of any growing thingamid the marble pillars & porticos& the obelisk of the angel’sruffling wings. In the ruinsof the oligarchs’ harvesting,their alpha & omega…

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William Hawkins

William Hawkins FAMILY’S GOT EVERYTHING A GOOD COUNTRY SONG NEEDS Look at you. They’re wiping the last bits of birth off you, two nurses in lilac scrubs weighing you, measuring you, lifting up your arms, your legs, poking, wiping—they’re absolutely…

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Joan Mazza

Joan Mazza RANGE MAPS My love of maps and the tales they tell take me to the back of the Peterson Field Guide of Eastern Birds, where I can see the breeding range for every bird, each duck or wading…

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Mazzy Sleep

Mazzy Sleep LOST   Part 1 Drawings on the wall, Chalked scripts, the Slow breaths upon The cold paper, Letters running through the margin, This is the last thing you ever Said: a small drawing of a cat In deep,…

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Grace Cavlieri

Grace Cavalieri HEART MISSION       It wasn't so much that you were hurt --and who among us is not hurt-- It's more that you had no one to tell, I'm listening and If loneliness still fits, wear it, let…

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