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MC Spring Dance Concert

"Let us read and let us dance - two amusements that will never do any harm to the world." -Voltaire Dancing is one of the things in this world that is timeless and beautiful and is highly-esteemed everywhere around the globe.…

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Ode to Montgomery College

Current Mood: Fireproof by Coleman Hell As the date of graduation slowly approaches my mind constantly replays my first semester at Montgomery College. The bitter-sweet transition into adulthood, a new presence of independence, and a semester of figuring myself out.…

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Week Three the Hard Way

31 UNANSWERED POINTS. Okay, I am moving on to the current situation: two of three children screaming at the top of their lungs intermittently, asking to be released from the terrible punishment of bedtime. The third is dealing with it…

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Week Two Mishaps

Hello everyone! I am so excited to be back and blogging for the new semester. I hope you had a wonderful break and that you are ready for Spring 2017! Like every beginning of every semester, things can always get…

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The Season of Anew

Current Mood: Quick Musical Doodles by Two Feet   Wow, so this is my third semester blogging for you guys. And sadly, this will be last. But moving forward, I have so much in store for you. This semester I finally…

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