By Ashley Neyra Being a part of the ACES ambassador leadership program, we are required…

By Ashley Neyra
As I mentioned previously in part 1, I’ve been at Montgomery College for 3 years! Taking classes from Biology to Photography and so much more along the road. There have been many professors that have impacted me as a student and in my academic career.
Zohreh Gharib – Biology 130:
When I first started my journey at MC I was initially a General Studies STEM major. Zohreh Gharib! I can’t explain how much I enjoyed her class and the way she taught it. She made the hard material easy to understand, while also telling us stories about her days working in the emergency room and the cases she would come across.
Ann Johnson – Sociology 100
For an 8 am class, Professor Ann Johnson surely did know how to wake us up with her funny remarks throughout the classroom. Professor Johnson would stay true to not show bias when teaching us about sociology, which was something I appreciated because she would create a space where all different ideas were welcomed. While showing us how our differences came to be and it’s our job to be understanding of other’s social behavior.
Mitchel Tropin – Communications 251
I saved the best for last, Professor Mitchel Tropin! I’ve worked alongside Professor Tropin for the past 3 years as he is the advisor for The Globe student newspaper. I’m the editor-in-chief for this year and have been a member since my first semester at MC. He has been an amazing advisor, letting the students take creative liberty. Which has allowed The Globe to constantly flow with new ideas. But has always come to our defense if ever needed (which happened several times). One of my memorable situations was when I had written an article about the SHaW center distributing expired condoms during an event.
Needless to say, this situation quickly grew. But Professor Tropin guided me as a Journalist as to the steps I should take and how to handle the situation. Now as a future Journalist, it’s an experience I’ll take forever. He has been remarkable in the classroom as he shares stories about his experience as a journalist while also having material that we find interesting. He’s a professor who is always encouraging and inspiring his students in everything that we wish to do. I’m thankful to have had him as a professor and an advisor for the past few years. I wouldn’t be the journalist I am today if it wasn’t for Professor Tropin.
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