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academyFind a complete listing of all professional development events the Office of ELITE Professional Development offers. This list contains archived resources from past conferences, workshops, and speaker series.

To learn more about future events and workshops that ELITE offers or how you can submit a proposal to present, please visit the ELITE Calendar of Workshops, Classes, and Programs page.  If you have an idea for a workshop, submit your proposal to our I Have An Idea For A Workshop – Professional Development Proposal Form.

To attend future workshops, visit MC Learns through Workday to find professional development opportunities on various topics.

academy for teaching

At Montgomery College, offering students a fulfilling learning experience is central to the mission. Please see MC 2025 Goal 2- Enhancing Transformational Teaching Practices. Upon being hired, full-time MC faculty commit to professional development to enhance their teaching skills. To facilitate this requirement, ELITE offers several 3-workshop series in the Academy for Teaching Transformation that focus on best practices in college teaching and learning every semester. By participating in the Academy, full-time faculty work towards fulfilling their professional development requirement. Part-time faculty and instructional staff who join on their initiative enrich the learning that occurs in the workshop series’ participant cohorts.

Participants in the Academy for Teaching Transformation select one pedagogical/instructional topic that will be discussed and explored in three two-hour sessions each semester. Through participation in the three consecutive sessions, faculty will deepen their knowledge of the selected instructional topic. Because the participants form a diverse cohort, the Academy for Teaching Transformation provides meaningful and enriching professional development and the chance to build camaraderie with colleagues from an array of fields.

New!  Select Academy offerings now have the possibility of incorporating the professional badge Teaching Essentials: Innovation and Transformation along with the completion of the workshop series. For more information, follow the link to the Academy website below. 

Follow the link for information about the Academy workshop series and registration.

Check out the Upcoming Schedule for the Academy for Teaching Transformation

ELITE After DarkThe Office of E-Learning, Innovation, and Teaching Excellence is pleased to announce ELITE After Dark, a professional development program to support your busy schedule.

Now offering some of ELITE’s most popular workshops on the first Monday and Tuesday of each month between 5:00-9:00 pm.

Visit our website for workshops and information

The ELITE Faculty Showcase is an annual gathering where faculty share, network, and discover the ways in which their colleagues are enriching student experiences through innovative pedagogies and learning technologies.

Learn more about the next ELITE Faculty Showcase

professional week logoProfessional Week generally begins on the third Monday of January and August, and kickoffs with the Collegewide Opening Meeting. Professional Week offers faculty and staff a variety of professional development opportunities offered by the College and ELITE. All ELITE-sponsored events are scheduled on the Thursday of Professional week.

We invite you to explore the schedule of events and register using the embedded Workday links.

Check out the latest Professional Week information

The Facilities and Public Safety Institute is focused on meeting the immediate professional development needs of facilities and public service employees with flexible offerings in the form of specialized speed sessions. The initiative is a series of targeted classes in the following areas:   technology (MS Office 365, Workday), human resources processes (leave, EAP, timesheets), and power skills (customer service, communication, supervision). 

Check Out the FAPSI Training Schedule

The Inclusion by Design Summit is a free virtual one-day conference offered to professionals at Montgomery College and beyond who share a passion for designing for the future. It is hosted by the Universal Design Center. 

The summit aims to embrace and champion inclusive design practices, providing you with the tools and knowledge to integrate these essential practices into your environments.  

Inclusion by Design Summit  

Part-time faculty play a critically important role in the Montgomery College community. Montgomery College greatly values the contributions made by its part-time faculty members in achieving the educational mission of the College and providing breadth, vibrancy, and flexibility in its programs.

Click to learn more about the IPTFES conference

New Faculty Orientation is a program designed for new faculty to develop a supportive network of new colleagues, access essential resources for students and faculty, and explore MC’s culture of radical inclusion and student success.   

See the latest information on the New Faculty Orientation page on the ELITE site 

Pedagogical Discussions

Pedagogical Discussions for 2023-2024
Trends in Higher Education 

Pedagogical Discussions is an annual workshop series that introduces a new theme each academic year. For the academic year 2023-24, ELITE is presenting a series of six workshops focused on Trends in Higher Education. These workshops will cover a range of topics, including adopting a human-centered approach to digital learning environments, utilizing data analysis to inform decision-making, mastering the art of storytelling, and upskilling and continuing education. Click on the following link to learn more about these fascinating trends and to prepare for this thought-provoking series of discussions. 

Join us to discuss the trends shaping higher education. 

Resource link: Higher Education Trends to Look Out For in 2023    

Visit our website to register and for more information

Love of Teaching


What is the Love of Teaching?

The love of teaching encompasses a deep passion, commitment, and fulfillment derived from the act of educating and nurturing students. It goes beyond the mere transmission of knowledge; it involves inspiring, guiding, and empowering learners to reach their full potential intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Those who possess a love for teaching are dedicated to their student’s growth and development, fostering an environment that encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity. They find joy in witnessing the progress and achievements of their students, celebrating their successes, and supporting them through challenges.

The love of teaching also involves a genuine interest in understanding and connecting with students on a personal level, recognizing their unique strengths, backgrounds, and needs. Teachers who love teaching often derive satisfaction from the impact they make on their students’ lives, knowing that they play a significant role in shaping future generations. Ultimately, the love of teaching is rooted in a profound belief in the transformative power of education and a genuine desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others through teaching and learning.

Information About the Conference:

The Love of Teaching conference celebrates the work, the love of teaching, and the power of being an unforgettable and impactful instructor. Regardless of the topic, educators come together at this conference to network, share, discuss, learn, celebrate their profession, and remember their reasons for becoming educators. Let’s inspire, connect, and empower one another to create classrooms where every student can flourish. Attend the conference to celebrate the profound impact of teaching and reignite your passion for education.

Visit our website for more information

ELITE and The Institute for Part-Time Faculty Engagement and Support are proud to offer all faculty the Love of Teaching Half-Day Conference.

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