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Questions to ask

It is September and time to finalize our personal and professional goals in Workday. As each of us sets goals for the FY23 year, we should ask ourselves several important questions during and after the process. These questions and your answers will inform your plan for achieving your goals. As you make progress during the year, revisit these questions to inform you, redirect you, and improve your success in achieving them.

  1. What did I start and not finish this past year? If you set but did not accomplish a goal from last year, think about what happened. Was the scope too big given your time and resources? If so, can you revisit the plan and adjust the scope? Did other priorities take precedence? If this happened, is the goal still relevant and worth pursuing this year? Making decisions about unmet goals helps us start with a fresh approach.
  2. Why is achieving this goal important to me? This question ranks number one for a good reason. Without a clear and compelling reason, you will likely not give time or thought to completing the goal, and the answer keeps the reason planted in your mind.
  3. What will success look like? Visualize the result in a three-dimensional way. Think about what you will see, feel, and hear when you reach this goal. This question helps you picture success more realistically.
  4. How will I benefit from reaching this goal? This question ties the first two together and helps you see the value in the effort required to achieve that goal.
  5. How do I begin? Identify the very next step you need to take. You will never achieve the goal if you don’t take that next step.
  6. What step will take me the furthest in the shortest time? While question four identifies the very first step, this question identifies what will give you the “biggest bang for your buck.” Make wise choices.
  7. Who can help me achieve the goal? Identify the person or people who have the tools and resources to assist you in reaching your goal.
  8. Who will support me? Share your goal with someone who believes in you and will cheer you on as you work toward your goal.
  9. Who will not support me? This question is more important than the last one. Knowing who can potentially block or thwart your efforts helps. Don’t change course; begin by ignoring them, and your eventual success will be more satisfying to you.
  10. How will I stay focused during the process? Reaching goals takes time, energy, and focus. Answering these questions will provide a roadmap showing direction, resources, and obstacles. With these items identified, the path to achieving your goals will be easier to navigate.


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