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Welcome Back!

Whether you are a junior or senior at the University of Maryland or if you have already graduated and are now in the process of establishing or running your own entrepreneurial venture—or have embarked on a career where you are using all you have learned and gained from the Southern Management Leadership Program, we are so glad you are back!
No one knows more than you, the benefits of the Southern Management Leadership Program. The doors that have opened, the connections you have made, the lessons you have learned.  Current SMLP students look to you, as alumni, to be mentors and future SMLP students need your support as well, and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved!


You can give back to the Southern Management Leadership Program:

  • Be a guest speaker at the Southern Management Leadership Program Seminar
  • Provide an internship for current SMLP students
  • Make a tax-free financial contribution so that other SMLP students can benefit from our program here at Montgomery College–go to our Online Giving Page, scroll down to Donor Designations, select Southern Management Leadership Program as your area of support.

There’s a lot going on at the Southern Management Leadership Program at Montgomery College. Please do stay in touch and stay involved.

Stay In Touch

We’d love to hear from you, and there are many ways to reach us:

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