Below is a list of resources that can be useful to you as you hone your skills and networks, which will ultimately result in your success as an “intentional entrepreneur.” This list is not, of course, exhaustive, and may be updated periodically, but let it guide you when you need answers and inspiration. In addition to the sources listed below, the Montgomery College library has compiled Business Administration (opens in new window) and Management (opens in new window) resource guides that include many different types of resources you might find useful. Those with an * are in our Hillman library and are available for any Southern Management Leadership Program student to borrow.
Professional Development Series
- Lean Start Up (Eric Ries, Crown Business, 2011)*
- Business Models for Entrepreneurial Ventures: Developing Sound Metrics for Long-Term Success. (David Newton, Free Market Press, 2011)*
- The Start-Up of You (Reid Hoffman, cofounder and chair of Linked-In, 2012)*
- Navigating Your Way to Business Success: An Entrepreneur’s Journey (Kathryn B. Freeland, Freebridge Publishing, 2010)
- Business Model Generation (Osterwalder, Pigneur, and Smith, Wiley, 2010)*
- Business Models for Entrepreneurial Ventures (David Newton, Free Market, 2011)*
- Entrepreneurial Small Business (Katz and Green, McGraw Hill, 2010)*
- American Cool (published by Smithsonian Institute)*
- In the Owner’s Chair (Torrence, 1992)*
- Business at the Speed of Thought (Gates, 1999)*
- Radicals and Visionaries (Wawro, 2000)*
- Leadership is an Art (Max DePree, Dell, 1989)*
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change (Stephen R. Covey, Simon and Schuster, 2013)*
- Paths to Succeed: Developing Your Entrepreneurial Thinking (opens in new window) (Colin Turner, Texere, 2002)*
- Crocodile Charlie & The Holy Grail: How to find your own answers at work & in life (John Kolm and Peter Ring, Penguin Global, 2004)*
- Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable (opens in new window) (Seth Godin, Portfolio Hardcover, 2009)*
- Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success (Masaaki Imai, McGraw Hill, 1986)*
- The Leader’s Edge: Mastering the 5 Skills of Breakthrough Thinking (Guy Hall, Irwin Publishing, 1996)*
- The Talent Management Handbook: Creating Organizational Excellence by Identifying,Developing, and Promoting Your Best People (Ed. By Berger and Berger, McGraw-Hill, 2004)*
- Small Business Management: An Entrepreneur’s Guidebook (Megginson, Bird, and Megginson, McGraw-Hill, 2003)*
- Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing (Harry Beckwith, Business Plus, 2012)
- Sales Dogs(Blair Singer, Warner Business Books, 2001)*
- The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways To Use Social Media to Drive Social Change (Jennifer Aiker & Andy Smith, Jossey-Bass, 2010)*
- Guide to Investing: The individual investor’s complete source book on the basics of investing (New York Institute of Finance, 1992)*
- Venture Capital Investing: The Complete Handbook for Investing in Small Private Businesses for Outstanding Profits (David Gladstone, Prentice Hall, 1988)*
- Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation (MH Morris, DF Kuratko, and JG Covin, Southwestern-Cengage, 2011)*
- The Monster Under the Bed: How Business Is Mastering the Opportunity of Knowledge for Profit (Stan Davis and Jim Botkin, Simon and Shuster, 1994)*
- Finding Fertile Ground: Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures (Scott A. Shane, Pearson, 2005) –for technology ventures*
If you are serious about becoming a leader, you need to know what the experts are saying. As you move forward, think about subscribing to one or two of the following. In the meantime, those with an * are available using your student account at the Montgomery College Library:
• Journal of Small Business Management*
• Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship
• Journal of Business Venturing*
• Strategic Management Journal*
• Journal of Small Business Strategy
• Academy of Management Review*
• Academy of Management Executive • •
For the fastest information, these should be regular reading for you—and are all available through the Montgomery College library:
- Bloomberg Business Week
- Forbes
- Fortune
- Wall Street Journal
- Black Enterprise
- Entrepreneur (available online only)
- Inc. (available online only)
Here are just a few community business organizations you need to know about:
Chambers of Commerce (which includes a special group just for Young Professionals). There are many of these in the local area. Find one near you! Here are links to just a few:
Just a few of the other many organizations serving our local area include:
- Rockville Economic Development, Inc. (opens in new window)
- Montgomery County Department of Economic Development (opens in new window)
- Maryland Small Business & Technology Development Center (opens in new window)
- eWomen Network (opens in new window)
- List of local networking groups (opens in new window)
- National organizations for entrepreneurs (opens in new window)
- Business USA (opens in new window)
Websites come and go and there is always one that speaks to your own situation. Here is one that has amazing information and resources for local entrepreneurs (opens in new window). And Inc. Magazine has a few recommendations (opens in new window) of other useful websites for you no matter where you live!