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And on With The New

    Rory Wakeman takes a minute to model her new Potomac Review onesie.  Although she will be applying for an internship in 2033 (first she has to learn to read and write), she spends her time helping her grandmother,…

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PR Reading @ TPSS Campus

              Organized and moderated by Professor Robert Giron,  PR's  Community Outreach editor, Potomac Review held the last reading of the (academic) year on April 10 on the Takoma Park / Silver Spring campus of Montgomery College.  Featured  authors…

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Conversations and Connections

Last week was a whirl for PR--readings, midterm grading and grading and grading, so while she reorganizes her life, visit Conversations and Connections and make sure that you sign up! You don't want to wake up next Sunday feeling like…

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From Seattle, About AWP

Here's what Karolina Gajdeczka has to say about her trip to this year's conference: This year, the AWP Annual Conference (aka America’s largest congregation of that special breed of nerd known as writers) was held in Seattle, WA.  I’ve gone…

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Conversations and Connections: Practical Advice on Writing, April 5, and YOU

Here's what you'll miss if you stay home(and note that general merriment will be had by all): Schedule 8:30--9:00 Registration 9:00--9:15 Welcome 9:30--10:30 Panel Session 1 10:45--11:45 Panel Session 2 Noon--1:45 Speed Dating, Book Signings, Lunch 1:45--3:15 Keynote: Marissa de los Santos 3:30--4:30 Panel Session 3 4:45--6:00 Boxed…

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