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Are You a Turtle or a Hare?

  Hindi words of the week: खरगोश  Kharagosh (kha-arr-gō-sh) - Rabbit कछुआ  Kachhua (ka-ch-oo-äh) - Turtle Welcome to the new school year everyone! I hope that it’s progressing well for you as we are already a few weeks into the…

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History Club

Yep.... that is right!! Kaila-Marie back at it with the YouTube posts! Are you in any clubs/organizations at MC? History club (exploring diversity) is the one for you! History club is now accepting members to join the club. We meet…

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Here We Go Raptors…

As we move through the fall semester, procrastination can often take us by surprise. I know this because I've procrastinated myself! It becomes a bad habit if you don't fix it in time. I was thinking about this as I…

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Till next time

This is my last blog post for Montgomery College. It has truly been a great experience to share my experience and knowledge about MC's resources to you. So to end off the semester, I'll provide general information about Montgomery College.…

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