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Cut the cord and take the #No Mouse ChallengeThe No Mouse challenge is used to raise awareness about accessible web design.

Follow three steps

  1. Do not use your mouse for 15 minutes
  2. Learn a little bit about accessible web design
  3. Share your experience


Try using a webpage without a mouse and use the keyboard instead for 15 minutes or longer. Try to send an email, visit a webpage, or watch an online video.

Can you:

  • Access all interactive elements?
  • Complete fillable forms?
  • Operate all buttons and select a link?
  • Identify where you are on the page?

How to navigate using a keyboard:

  • Select tab to go forward through elements
  • Select shift + tab to go backwards through elements
  • Enter or spacebar can be used to activate something instead of a click
  • Arrow keys may also be used to go through content
  • Escape (esc) can be used to get out of something
  1. Learn a little about accessible web design
  2. Reflect and engage – choose one
  • Use #NoMouse and see others’ experience with this challenge in our global community
  • Comment on this blog post 
  • Discuss this experience with your team or colleagues 
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