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April 2013 Categories: 2013, Provide Comprehensive Student Supports, View All Timelines: Provide Comprehensive Student Supports

Catherine F. Scott Commons


The College receives a $1 million donation to the Montgomery College Foundation from Professor Emerita Catherine F. Scott. As a result, the College, for the first time in its history, names one of its buildings in honor of a faculty member by renaming the Commons Building at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus the Catherine F. Scott Commons.

Scott became a faculty member in 1958 at the then-Takoma Park Campus, where she taught secretarial studies and served as chair of what was then known as the Department of Office Education. She became the driving force behind the creation of several important academic programs at MC, including the legal secretarial curriculum, the medical assistant curriculum, and the legal assistant/paralegal curriculum. She retired in 1986.

Funds from Scott’s gift were allocated to the Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success program and the Macklin Business Institute honors program.

Read more in Inside MC.

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