by Professor Melissa McCeney During the fall semester, Introductory Psychology students visited the Smithsonian National…
by Dr. Opeyemi Oniya, Jr. Professor of Biology
The “Covid World” had come. We were entering a world “unknown”.
The complexities and the challenges – like an avalanche cascaded. The world became immersed in the turbulence of self survival, of family subsistence and sustenance, of flagging economies, and of social, racial and educational disruptions. It was brave new world, the directions of which were in a state of flux. What to do?
The prescriptive undertones for this new and emerging order asked for a need for presenting a knowledge of and an understanding of the Biology of Covid-19, its fallouts and spillage into our lives, into the economy, into the socio-political mores vis-a-vis their implications for education and society. The response to the latter was remarkable.
This led to remote learning in the college. And, in this, the Smithsonian Fellowships rolled out. So, visits to the Museum became virtual. I created a Learning Lab with collections for the students use. Later into the semester, the students organized a pocket visit, in real time, to the Museum. Their visit was highly productive.
And in their own words – These are some of the students’ experiences!
“This experience has been an eye-opener about the safety of our world and how vulnerable we are to everyday viruses that may cause outbreaks in the future. Everyone should understand how the US health system has come a long way to make sure we are all safe. This world is interconnected and if one country doesn’t take precautions then it’ll affect the world around them eventually making it back to us. Everyone should have the education available so we have more scientists available that better learn how to better prevent future viruses.” – Alexander Cruz
“The National Museum of Natural History is a wonderful bank of scientific knowledge that stores valuable insights and information about science and pandemic topics that interest people across the globe.” – Oanh Nguyen
“COVID 19, as many other pandemics, always works as a magnifier that gives a clear view on inequality and our society!” – Maria Gabriel Rosales Solano
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