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2021 SFF Theme is here!

We are excited to share our 2021 Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship Theme! As you read what follows, you will see an opportunity to engage in a journey that is important and timely, one which will allow you to guide your students…

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We are underway! Opening Panel 2020!

On March 5, our 2020 Museum Seminars got off to a terrific start. As is tradition, we opened with a panel presentation. Following a welcome by Philippa Rappoport, Manager of Community Engagement, Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access (SCLDA),…

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One of the highlights of the Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship is Showcase, when each Fellow has the opportunity to present their work to the Montgomery College Community. This year was no different as Chairs, Deans, family, friends and the 2020 SFF…

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