Montgomery College-Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship Showcase Event We the People: America’s Grand and Radical Experiment with…

On February 23, 2017, the Smithsonian Faculty Fellows 2016 presented the results of their work in a showcase open to all members of the college community. This marked the culmination of their year-long examination of the topic of American Ingenuity, Innovation and Enterprise, and demonstrated the ways in which they integrated class trips to the museums with the theme and their academic discipline. Their presentations made for a memorable afternoon. As you can see from the list of topics, this was a rich and varied group.
Presenting their final work were:
Professor Ali Alavi, Business TPSS: Museum Visits: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Motivating a Diverse Student Body
Sonja Fisher, Education, GT: With New Eyes: Expanding Learning Opportunities in the Museum and the Classroom
Virginia Miller, Chemistry RV: Sometimes it is Rocket Science: Exploring the Chemical Connections and Innovations in American Space Flight
Rebecca Eggenschwiler, English, RV: Analyzing the Museum: Empowering Students as Cultural Critics
Alan Cutler, Geology, RV: Innovation and Evolving Views of Planet Earth
Cheryl Tobler, Music, RV: Storytelling with Sound and Soundscapes
Jackie Middleton, Business, GT: Native American Reflections
Dan Jenkins, Philosophy, TPSS: Thinking Critically and Concretely About Political Philosophy:Lockean Natural Rights and American Enterprise
Natalie Thomas, Reading, GT: Using Museum Exhibits to Improve Critical Thinking Skills that Enhance Reading and Writing Skills
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