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The Truth About Dishonesty

Volunteer Holly blogs about cauterizing life’s wounds with writing. I recently saw the movie The Words with Dennis Quad, Bradley Cooper, Zoe Saldana and Olivia Wilde. It is the kind of movie that makes you stare at the end credits…

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Writing and Journaling

Nonfiction Editor, Zachary Benavidez, blogs about why he keeps a journal. This summer I started doing something I haven't done since college: I started journaling again. In grad school, our writing professors encouraged us to keep notebooks in our pockets…

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A New Perspective

Volunteer Holly muses over changes in scenery. Years ago, I found myself sitting on the edge of a cliff looking out over the Pacific Ocean for the first time. The view stretched on, vast and limitless. Humbled by the experience,…

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Bullfighting on the Beach

Guest blogger Carrie Callaghan writes about choosing what to read. The Library of Congress holds over 34.5 million books and printed materials nestled along some 838 miles of shelving – that’s just a little less than a road trip from…

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