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Electronic Lit: Living Will

This month brings the first post of a monthly feature about electronic literature.  Our  guest blogger, Mark C. Marino, is a writer and scholar of digital literature, teaches writing at the University of Southern California.  He is also Director of…

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Introducing Kathleen Gunton

Kathleen Gunton is the cover photographer for issue #54 A graduate of California State University, Long Beach, she says "I must add, though, that I credit my photography skills to John J. J. J. Niven, a Scotsman and my mentor, who always…

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Kudos on A Snowy Afternoon

The snow may be piling up outside PR's drafty door, but inside, there's enough good news to keep everyone warm.  Go get yourself a cup of cocoa, tuck yourself into a cozy chair and have a look. Contributor Jeff Fearnside sends…

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Slow Down, Write

Technology Editor J. Howard writes about a week spent rediscovering uni-tasking and the written word. Except for the morning and evening communal yelling from howler monkeys in the trees beyond our balcony, our week spent in Costa Rica was relatively…

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Associate Editor John Wang writes about Juked, the literary magazine which he created and runs online. I started Juked at the end of 1998, during the dot com bubble, because I was caught up in that rush of enthusiasm for…

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