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Because Summer, That's Why

Starting today, right now, in this moment, PR will be shifting away from the biweekly posting our readers have grown to love.  From now until late August, we'll be posting once a week unless something miraculous and remarkable happens (or,…

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Because Summer, That’s Why

Starting today, right now, in this moment, PR will be shifting away from the biweekly posting our readers have grown to love.  From now until late August, we'll be posting once a week unless something miraculous and remarkable happens (or,…

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The best part of summer is the time it affords for travel and writing and reading  and . . . Here's what some of our Associate Editors have planned: Outreach Editor Robert Giron will be traveling to El Paso, Texas,…

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Poetry Editor Katherine Smith tells us that  her second book, Woman Alone on the Mountain, is due out this spring. She was also accepted at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in Florida for May 19-June 8 as part of…

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