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Submission Length

Intern Cris blogs about the length of short stories. As I was sampling pieces of writing from various short stories on the internet the other day, I was impressed. They were short, but it was amazing how much the authors…

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There May Be Ice Cream

Guest blogger Derek Furr writes about hope, dessert and ambiguous rejection letters. Let me begin with a familiar tale of rejection. I pulled into my driveway at the end of the day, entered the back door and greeted my family…

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MFA is for Applications

Volunteer Karolina offers advice about applying to MFA programs. What happens once you’ve decided to apply to an MFA program in creative writing? If you’re anything like me, the application process can be a little daunting. There are so many…

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The Opening Sentence

Intern Gediyon offers advice about opening sentences. In creative writing workshops, instructors discuss setting, plot, dialogue, conflict, description, characterization and all the other things that go into a great story. All these things are important—they wouldn’t be taught if they…

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