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Each year, the Barrelhouse gang and several other local journals and presses, including ourselves, get together and create the Conversations and Connections: Practical Advice on Writing Conference in DC.  Every year, writers have a chance to get in line for “speed-dating” with participating editors in their genre for feedback and advice on their writing.  Here’s our take on the experience from the other side of the curtain…


Editor-in-Chief Julie Wakeman-Linn talks about her experience:


Speed dating with the Editors at Conversations and Connection was a unique and wonderful chance for writers  to bridge that huge chasm or to knock down the wall  between writer and editor. It was pulling back the curtain and seeing the wizard. Lit mag editors aren’t wizards but they are dedicated lovers of good writing. Yesterday I had more fun talking to novelists, memoirists, historical biographers–we don’t usually publish those kinds of prose but I loved talking to these writers. They realized it was yes, an editor’s view but just one editor on one day. I hope it also empowered the writers to believe in their process and their work.


Associate Editor Karolina Gajdeczka shares thoughts on her experience:


I had the pleasure of meeting and reading some work by some local nonfiction and fiction writers.  The experience tested my quick reading and editing skills, and I hope I was helpful to a few people!  A few things I came across during the experience that I thought were worth a mention… I got to read a few flash nonfiction pieces, which I thought were pretty neat!  I’m a fan of the “flash” genre. (And speaking of which, have you checked out our flash fiction contest?) I also came across some interesting genre-fiction and some steps into magic realism…  I had a blast reading everybody’s work, but many people wanted to know: what does the Potomac Review publish?  While we like to publish a variety, and sometimes publish a little experimental or a little magic realism or a little “flash”… we typically stay in the traditional literary genre.  Here’s a look into our submission guidelines if you’re interested!  Please submit electronically–help us waste less paper.

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