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Work vs. Play

I began lifting weights when I was about 17 or so. The initial four months were hell, I had this end goal: a perfectly chiseled chest, 6-pack, and the whole shebang! Every workout was something I had to push myself…

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A Year Ago, A Year Later

Around this time last year, I was already complaining about how cold the weather is getting. Never did it occur to me at the time that we would have so many days of  school cancelled because of snow in the Spring. And around this…

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Umbrellas are Underrated

It's the start of fall, kids. That means it's time for pumpkins or spoops, but don't forget your umbrellas or you'll spend 3 days surrounded by bowls of hot soup and snot-filled tissues. Remember to come see our production of…

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Getting Up to Speed

  This is the first one, where we begin our magnetic relationship. I've spent the last few days immersed in a few different things: practicing L-Sits on homemade PVC parallettes, studying biology, doing deep squats with my kids, trying to…

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