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Reading improves our vocabulary. That's a known fact. Our English teachers back in middle school and high school might have even overemphasized that concept, and rightfully so! Reading is a powerful tool. Whether we do it to know more about…

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Need a Splash of Colour in Your Life?

Sorry for the late upload this week! Stressed out? Me too. But I'm still here and so are you. We all need outlets in life, and maybe something in this list of events can help you: Look around campus…

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There are few things like meditation. Sorry to lead sounding so woo-woo right off the bat, but there have been some moments this week that have needed some smoothing over. Meditation has dried those tears in the cloth right up!…

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Life Lessons

My indecisiveness has caused me to have just started writing this post. It's 5:13 p.m. on a Friday instead of my usual Friday morning. I don't know if this has to do with me being a woman (I mean well)…

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The Show Must Go On

So sorry for the late upload, everyone! I've been incredibly busy and overworked, and if you watch the video, you'll also see why I was late with this week's vlog. The first weekend of Natural Causes was a success! This…

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Focus on the Positive

It's very easy to let adversity and clamor burden you; it's easy to focus on the negative. Did you ever have this happen? You were having a fantastic day and everything was going great, but you bumped into someone and…

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I just finished a pretty solid cardio program for PHED 206. This was my second attempt since my first one was way too intense. Luckily, our professor had us try it for a day to see if it was something…

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