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What is happening?

I am currently freaking out. Kind of. I'm not only trying to study, but Christmas is coming (haven't shopped),and my daughter is not sleeping.  I'm also trying (failing) to install a new operating system on a brand new laptop and…

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An Online Semester

  Want to know what the actual experience of a full online semester is like? Prepare to read. Prepare to read a lot. Online semesters can be incredibly freeing if you get on top of you assignments and have a…

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Patty Uncut

What do you do when you've got to vlog for your job but you've got no laptop to edit on or upload it through? You do it through your phone and you better hope you're good at improvising (I'm not;…

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Frinally Friday!

In honor of Thanksgiving, there are two things this week i'm especially thankful for: Coffee and Friday. And I don't even always say that. Coffee is not part of my daily routine like it is for many, many people. I…

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But first I'll give you my alibi: I had no internet at first, then I got busy during Thanksgiving break, then I lost the url for the login page so that I could post, and finally when I was able…

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The Wind-Down Gear-Up

Two weeks left in the semester - how truly bittersweet. I'm sure I've mentioned how I decided to go back to school over the summer and began the enrollment process at Montgomery College within 48 hours of making that decision.…

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