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Puppy Playtime

Hindi words of the week: परीक्षा  Pareeksha (puh-ree-ksh-aah) - exam पिल्ला  Pilla (pi-ll-aa) - puppy I love dogs. Simple as that. I love them and so do many of you guys. My pet dogs are my best friends, they're loyal…

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Campus Woes..

While I'm sure it's apparent that those of us blogging here at Montgomery College have deep love and respect for our school home, I'm also sure that there are things that we don't love as much about our beloved MC.…

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Do You Ask?

Sometimes it's hard to talk about things, especially when they are about "sensitive" subjects or topics that might make the listening party uncomfortable. The month of April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAM). Unfortunately, sexual assault is all…

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