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MC SPKRBX a platform for agency

What is it?

MC SPKRBX is our platform to give voice and agency to MC Students as well as provide meaningful Guest Speakers to speak directly to our MC community.

SPKRBX: Shorthand for Speaker Box. Literal definition: the enclosure or cabinet that houses and supports the loudspeaker and speaker drivers.


For Students:

How can you participate?

Contribute a 15s-60s video recording of your story (i.e. spoken word, monologue, poem, dance, song, and/or music), or simply share what’s on your mind with the prompt “How are you feeling?”. From the COVID Pandemic to the Black Lives Matter and George Floyd protests, women’s equality to LGBTQ rights and immigration, we all have a lot on our minds. Let us give you an outlet.

MC SPKRBX will release the videos on its IG Story, Feed, and TikTok, as well as a dedicated website to access all of the stories.


Click Here to Contact/Register

Site currently undergoing maintenance. Please contact Amanda Yoresh via email at for any questions/concerns.

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