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Hello All,

I am reaching out to ensure you are aware of a couple of important milestones for the design and construction of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Math and Science Building on the Takoma Park/Silver Spring (TP/SS) Campus. I am also writing to invite you to a fun social event on the TP/SS Campus later this month.

On February 14, 2019, the Montgomery County Planning Board reviewed the design for the Leggett Building under the mandatory referral process for public projects. The Planning Board voted to approve the design, with recommendations. On March 18, 2019, the College’s Board of Trustees accepted the Planning Board’s approval, and all but two of the recommendations, both of which were beyond the scope of the project. Learn more about the Planning Board’s review of the building by visiting the project website.

At its January meeting, the College’s Board of Trustees approved the selection of Barton Malow Company as construction manager for the Leggett Building. The College used a public request-for-proposals process to solicit bids and evaluate qualifications. A top criterion for selection of Barton Malow was their experience and performance in construction projects of comparable buildings located in residential neighborhoods at institutions like Coppin State and Morgan State in Baltimore.

I invite you to meet the team from Barton Malow at our Spring Ice Cream Social, Tuesday, April 23, 2019, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Cultural Arts Center on the TP/SS Campus. It’s a chance to get to know the Barton Malow team in an informal setting, catch up with the folks at LINK Strategic Partners (who are continuing to support our community engagement for the project), and MC faculty and staff, all while enjoying lots of ice cream and toppings. I hope to see you there.

Please call me at 240-567-1312 or send an email with any thoughts or questions.

Sincerely yours,

Brad Steward Signature

Dr. Brad Stewart
Vice President & Provost
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Montgomery College

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