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May 2024 Updates from the UDC

inclusion for all

The Inclusion by Design Summit, held on April 12, 2024, at the Universal Design Center (UDC) at MC, marked a significant milestone in advancing inclusive education. This bi-annual event drew over 150 educators, designers, and technologists, all eager to shape a more inclusive future in education.

Hosted virtually, the summit offered a platform not just for discussion but for communal learning and growth. The central theme revolved around embracing and championing inclusive design practices, providing attendees with the necessary tools and knowledge to integrate these into their environments.

A Diverse Lineup of Workshops

The summit featured an array of workshops designed to cater to a variety of educational needs and perspectives:

  • Inclusive Curriculum Design by Dr. Brandon Wallace focused on creating curricula that reflect the voices and experiences of all students. This workshop provided tools and strategies for educators to develop learning environments that are not only inclusive but also engaging.
  • UDL Principles and Practices in Action presented by Adam Reed, dove into the Universal Design for Learning framework, offering practical implementation tips for lesson planning and classroom interactions to accommodate diverse learning styles.
  • Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms by Dr. Alla Webb and Professor Ray Gonzales explored strategies to recognize and respect the cultural backgrounds of students, emphasizing the importance of cultural competence in education.
  • Leveraging EdTech for Inclusive Education by Gloria Barron examined how technology could be integrated to ensure equitable learning opportunities for all students, highlighting the significant role of inclusivity in educational settings.
  • Empowering Students through Inclusive Pedagogies led by Dr. Angela Lanier, addressed how educators can leverage students’ strengths and experiences to enhance learning. The workshop emphasized participatory learning practices like co-creating and self-reflection, fostering student engagement and ownership of their learning journey.
  • Fostering Emotional Intelligence and Social Inclusion in Higher Education by Phil Bonner delved into the crucial role of emotional intelligence in creating inclusive educational environments. Participants explored teaching strategies to enhance empathy, self-awareness, and social skills, aiming to create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere in classrooms.

Keynote Highlights

One of the highlights of the summit was the keynote address by Megan Calvert on Including All Voices: Dismantling Linguistic Bias in Higher Education. Addressing the often overlooked issue of language discrimination, Calvert provided insights into how linguistic biases can create barriers and limit academic participation, offering practical strategies to promote inclusivity in teaching.

Looking Forward

The success of the Inclusion by Design Summit reflects a growing commitment among educational professionals to foster inclusive environments. The shared experiences and insights from the summit not only equipped participants with innovative tools and practices but also energized them to apply these lessons in their educational spaces.

Excitingly, the next Inclusion by Design Summit has already been scheduled for October 25, 2024, with the theme “Building Bridges through Inclusive Design.” This upcoming event promises to continue the critical conversations and innovations started at this year’s summit, further enhancing the pursuit of a truly inclusive educational landscape.

As the summit concluded, the sense of community and shared purpose was palpable. With the ongoing dialogue and development of inclusive practices, the landscape of education is set to become as diverse and welcoming as the world it serves.

Building Bridges Through Inclusive Design

October 25, 2024

9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

On Thursday, May 16, 2024, join the global community in celebrating the 13th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) at MC. This special day aims to ignite conversations and increase understanding about digital access and inclusion for over one billion people worldwide living with disabilities or impairments.

The Critical Need for Digital Accessibility

Digital accessibility ensures that individuals with disabilities can independently engage with digital content and applications, whether on the web or mobile platforms. Recent studies, like WebAIM’s analysis of one million home pages, reveal a concerning trend: 98.1% of home pages have at least one WCAG 2.0 failure, with common issues ranging from low contrast text to missing alt text for images. These accessibility failures not only limit user engagement but also represent a significant oversight in serving a diverse audience.

MC’s Commitment: The Move the Needle Challenge

In alignment with GAAD, MC is set to host its annual Move the Needle Challenge using Blackboard Ally. This initiative reflects MC’s dedication to enhancing digital accessibility across its platforms. Blackboard Ally is designed to help institutions like MC make their digital content more accessible by providing feedback, guidance, and tools to fix common accessibility issues.

Learn more about Blackboard Ally.

Participating in the Move the Needle Challenge during the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) at MC can be a rewarding and educational experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get the most out of the challenge:

  1. Analyze Content: Use Blackboard Ally within the MC’s learning management system to analyze course materials or other digital content you have access to.
  2. Follow Recommendations: Blackboard Ally will provide feedback and suggestions for improving accessibility. This might include adding alt text to images, ensuring sufficient color contrast, and more.
  3. Make Adjustments: Apply the changes recommended by Blackboard Ally. This could involve editing HTML code, modifying document structures, or updating settings in digital tools.
  4. Document Changes: Keep track of the modifications you make. This documentation can be useful for reflection or sharing your progress during the challenge.

Share your changes with the UDC to be entered to win MC merch!

Join Us in Making a Difference

This GAAD, be part of a movement that champions equality and inclusion. Whether you’re a student, educator, or tech professional, your involvement can help drive change and promote a more accessible future for all. Let’s take this opportunity to learn, share, and commit to making accessibility a priority in our digital world.

U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division Final Rule on Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability; Accessibility of Web Information and Services of State and Local Government Entities. With the new Final Rule, the Department establishes technical requirements for public entities to fulfill their obligations under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) “to provide equal access to all of their services, programs, and activities that are provided via the web and mobile apps.” The Final Rule requires that such web and mobile app content, with some limited exceptions, must meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Version 2.1, Level AA. The Final Rule contains an appendix with Guidance regarding the regulations. The Department also issued a Fact Sheet on the new Final Rule. The Final Rule will be effective on June 24, 2024.

April 2024 Updates from the UDC

Embracing the Future of Inclusive Education

We are thrilled to invite you to the annual Inclusion by Design Summit, a special event dedicated to fostering an inclusive future in education. Hosted by the Universal Design Center (UDC) at MC, this summit is more than just a virtual conference; it is a vibrant space for communal learning, sharing, and growth. Mark your calendars for April 12, 2024, and prepare to be part of a transformative experience.

What Makes This Summit Unique?

Interactive Workshops: Dive deep into a series of interactive workshops designed to enrich your understanding and practical skills in inclusive design. These sessions promise to be both enlightening and engaging, offering hands-on experience in crafting accessible digital and physical environments.

Speed Session: Experience the dynamic and rapid-fire nature of our speed session. These concise yet insightful presentations are designed to keep you engaged, providing a whirlwind of knowledge on inclusive design practices.

Networking Opportunities: The Inclusion by Design Summit offers a fantastic opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals who are equally passionate about promoting inclusivity in all aspects of life and work. Expand your network and collaborate with peers who are dedicated to making a difference.

Our Mission

At the heart of the Inclusion by Design Summit is our commitment to embracing and championing inclusive design practices. We aim to provide participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to integrate these critical practices into their own environments. The summit will cover a range of topics, from theoretical foundations to practical applications, ensuring that everyone takes home valuable lessons in the pursuit of navigating the future of inclusive education.

Be Part of the Movement

This bi-annual event is a cornerstone for professionals, educators, designers, and technologists dedicated to navigating and shaping the future of inclusive education. By joining us, you contribute to a significant movement, ensuring that inclusivity remains at the forefront of instruction, design, and technology.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of a community that is setting the benchmark for inclusivity in education. Together, we can make a lasting impact, paving the way for a future where education is accessible, equitable, and inclusive for all.

Join us at the Inclusion by Design Summit and help shape the future of inclusive education.

Elevating Every Voice Through Universal Design for Learning

In the dynamic landscape of education, ensuring that our curricula reflect and respect the diversity of student voices and experiences is not just a goal—it’s a necessity. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) offers a powerful framework for educators to create inclusive learning environments that cater to all learners. In this article, we’ll explore practical tips and tricks for using UDL to support an inclusive curriculum design that truly reflects all voices.

Start with a Clear Understanding of UDL Principles

UDL is based on three core principles: providing multiple means of engagement, representation, and action & expression. These principles guide educators in offering diverse and flexible learning opportunities that accommodate the varied ways students interact with content, demonstrate knowledge, and stay motivated.

Practical Tips for Incorporating UDL in Your Curriculum

Diversify Your Content Representation: To ensure your curriculum speaks to every student, diversify the ways you present information. This includes using a mix of text, audio, video, and interactive materials. For instance, when teaching historical events, combine textbook readings with documentaries, podcasts, and virtual reality experiences to cater to different learning preferences.

Offer Choice in Demonstration of Knowledge: Allow students to express what they’ve learned in multiple ways. Instead of limiting assessments to traditional tests and essays, consider options like presentations, portfolios, blog posts, or even creative projects. This approach not only accommodates different learning styles but also empowers students to use their strengths.

Engage Students in Meaningful Ways: Engagement is key to learning. Incorporate activities that connect with students’ interests, backgrounds, and goals. Use thematic units that reflect diverse cultures and perspectives. Encourage student-led discussions and projects that allow them to explore subjects that matter to them.

Scaffold and Support: Not all students will navigate your curriculum with the same ease. Include scaffolding techniques such as graphic organizers, outlines, and glossaries. Offer regular feedback and opportunities for revision to help students understand and improve their work.

Regularly Solicit Student Feedback: One of the most effective ways to ensure your curriculum is inclusive is by asking your students directly. Regular feedback sessions can help you understand what works, what doesn’t, and how students feel about the diversity and inclusivity of the content.

Reflect and Revise: Inclusivity is an ongoing process. Dedicate time to reflect on your curriculum and teaching practices. Are all voices being heard and respected? Is there unconscious bias in your material? Continuous revision in response to these reflections and feedback will help you create a more inclusive curriculum.

Incorporating UDL into curriculum design is a step toward creating educational experiences that acknowledge and value the diversity of student experiences and ways of learning. By applying these practical tips, educators can move closer to achieving a truly inclusive curriculum that not only reflects all voices but also empowers every student to succeed.

Remember, the journey towards inclusivity is a collaborative one. Share your experiences and strategies with colleagues at the Inclusion by Design Summit, and together, let’s enrich our educational practices for the benefit of all learners.

In the evolving landscape of education, creating classrooms that empower all students is not just a goal—it’s a necessity. Inclusive pedagogies offer a pathway to transform educational environments into spaces where every student’s strengths, interests, and experiences are recognized and leveraged to enhance the learning experience. Here are practical tips and strategies for educators aiming to foster a more inclusive and dynamic classroom.

Understanding and Leveraging Student Diversity

Identify and Utilize Student Strengths: Begin by discovering what each student brings to the table. Employ various methods like surveys, discussions, and observations to uncover the unique strengths and interests of your students. Tailor lesson plans to incorporate these insights, making the content more relevant and engaging for each learner.

Create Collaborative Learning Opportunities: Move beyond traditional teaching models by facilitating opportunities for students to co-create knowledge. This can be achieved through project-based learning, where students contribute their ideas and perspectives, enriching the learning material and deepening their engagement with the subject.

Foster a Culture of Reflection: Integrate self-reflection exercises that encourage students to contemplate their learning processes, challenges, and successes. Such practices not only promote critical thinking and self-awareness but also empower students to take ownership of their educational journey.

Encourage Active Participation: Design activities that require students to learn from one another, such as group projects, peer teaching, and open discussions. This approach validates the experiences and voices of all students, cultivating a classroom environment that respects and embraces diversity.

Diversify Your Curriculum: Ensure that your curriculum includes a wide range of perspectives by incorporating teaching materials that reflect various cultures, histories, and experiences. This not only fosters a sense of inclusion but also prepares students to thrive in a diverse world.

Rethink Assessment Strategies: Recognize the limitations of traditional assessments and explore alternative methods that allow students to showcase their knowledge in ways that align with their individual strengths and learning styles. Consider portfolios, creative assignments, or presentations as more holistic and inclusive forms of assessment.

Embracing inclusive pedagogies is an essential step toward creating educational spaces that uplift every student. By actively engaging with students’ unique backgrounds, promoting participatory learning, and adapting teaching methods to be more inclusive, educators can unlock a richer, more effective learning experience for all. This approach not only benefits students academically but also supports their development as confident, capable, and compassionate members of society.

Learn more at Dr. Angela Lanier’s Summit presentation.

In the quest for more inclusive and effective teaching practices, understanding where you stand with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles is crucial. The UDL Self-Assessment offers educators a unique opportunity to pinpoint their current familiarity and competence with UDL, guiding them towards a tailored learning path that best suits their needs and the needs of their students.


The UDL Self-Assessment


This  quiz serves as a gateway for educators to assess their starting point in the vast landscape of UDL. Upon completion, participants are presented with a score out of 15, which aligns with three distinct levels of UDL implementation: Wade In, Shallow Swim, and Deep Dive. This scoring system not only reveals your current position but also provides a deeper understanding of each level, assisting in the selection of a learning path that aligns with your personal and professional growth objectives.


Understanding the Levels

Wade In (0-5 points): Perfect for educators who are new to UDL or those seeking to better accommodate students struggling with traditional learning methods. At this stage, understanding the basics of UDL and starting to integrate accessible resources and technology into the classroom is key. This level is about dipping your toes in, making incremental changes without feeling overwhelmed.


Shallow Swim (6-12 points): This level is designed for educators who have some exposure to UDL principles, perhaps through professional development sessions, and are looking to deepen their practice. If you’re already utilizing technology tools and providing diverse learning materials but wish to expand student choice and further personalize learning, the Shallow Swim is your next step. It’s about confidently navigating the waters with a safety net close by.


Deep Dive (13-15 points): For those who are well-versed in UDL and are already applying its principles to foster a learning environment where students take charge of their learning. Deep Dive educators support others in their UDL journey and continuously seek ways to enrich their instructional methods. This level is for those ready to explore the depths, embracing a fully student-centered approach and leveraging constructivist pedagogy to its fullest.


Embark on Your UDL Journey

The UDL Self-Assessment is more than just a quiz; it’s a compass for educators aiming to enhance their teaching practices through the principles of Universal Design for Learning. Whether you’re just starting to explore UDL or are looking to refine and expand your existing knowledge, this assessment is a valuable tool in determining the right course of action.

By recognizing your current standing and understanding the nuances of each level, you can embark on a learning path that not only aligns with your needs but also significantly benefits your students. UDL is about creating educational experiences that cater to all learners, and your journey towards mastering this approach begins with understanding where you stand.

We encourage all faculty to explore the UDL Self-Assessment. Discover your level and continue reading the accompanying resources to guide you through choosing the most suitable path forward in your UDL journey. Together, we can make education more inclusive, engaging, and effective for every student.

March 2024 Updates from the UDC


Creating a Culture of Inclusion for All at the Inclusion by Design Summit
Get ready to embark on a journey towards a more inclusive future in education! Join us on April 12, 2024, for the annual Inclusion by
Design Summit hosted by the Universal Design Center (UDC) at MC.
This event is not just another virtual conference – it’s a communal learning, sharing, and growing space!
Visit the Inclusion by Design Summit’s webpage for more information.

A Commitment to Accessibility and Equity
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted in 1990, marked a watershed moment in American civil rights legislation, aiming to eliminate discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The ADA’s comprehensive measures have significantly influenced educational institutions, ensuring that all students, regardless of their abilities, have the right to access and benefit from educational resources.
MC stands as a paragon of how educational institutions can embrace ADA guidelines to create an inclusive, accessible, and equitable environment for learning. This feature delves into the ways MC has adapted and thrived by integrating ADA principles into its operations, culture, and academic offerings.
Architectural Accessibility: Beyond Compliance
At the heart of ADA compliance is the necessity for physical accessibility. MC has taken strides to ensure that its campuses are not only compliant with ADA standards but are also intuitively designed to accommodate the needs of all students. This includes wheelchair-accessible facilities, elevators in buildings with multiple floors, ramps, and Braille signage, facilitating an environment where students with physical disabilities can navigate the campus independently and safely.
Technological Integration for Enhanced Learning
In the digital age, accessibility extends beyond the physical realm. MC has invested in adaptive technologies that cater to a wide range of disabilities, including screen readers, speech-to-text programs, and assistive listening devices. Online resources and courses are designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that all students can engage with digital content effectively. This commitment to technological inclusivity empowers students to participate fully in their educational pursuits.
Support Services: A Holistic Approach
Recognizing that accessibility and accommodations are multifaceted, MC offers comprehensive support services tailored to the unique needs of students with disabilities. The Disability Support Services  office plays a pivotal role in facilitating accommodations, advocating for students, and fostering an environment of understanding and respect among the college community.To meet the needs of a diverse workforce, the College provides employee ADA accommodations through a dedicated team in HRSTM.
Faculty and Staff Training: Fostering an Inclusive Culture
MC understands that a truly inclusive environment requires ongoing education and awareness among all members of the college community. Faculty and staff have opportunities for training on compliance, inclusive teaching practices, and fostering an inclusive workplace. This ensures that educators are equipped to support diverse learning needs and foster an atmosphere of inclusivity and respect in the classroom. Learn more about training opportunities from our partners in ELITE
The Broader Impact: A Model of Inclusivity
MC’s adherence to ADA guidelines and its commitment to inclusivity serve as a model for other educational institutions. By prioritizing accessibility and equity, the college not only complies with federal regulations but also embodies the spirit of the ADA: to create a society where individuals with disabilities can thrive alongside their peers, free from barriers to their success.

The ADA has laid the groundwork, but it is the commitment of institutions and their communities to embrace and extend these principles that will continue to drive progress. MC efforts to create a fully inclusive environment not only benefit students with disabilities but enrich the entire college community, fostering a culture of empathy, diversity, and mutual respect.

Learn how MC’s Universal Design Center supports ADA implementation across the college. 
The COVID-19 pandemic, while presenting unprecedented challenges, also acted as a catalyst for significant advancements in accessibility, echoing changes long advocated by the physical therapy community and beyond. At MC, these changes have not only underscored the ongoing relevance of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) but have also marked a new era of inclusivity and access in education. Here, we explore how the pandemic has propelled MC into a future where technology and accessibility converge to create a more inclusive educational landscape.
Educational Accessibility
As we know, the pandemic’s restrictions necessitated a swift pivot to virtual services, a transition that MC embraced wholeheartedly. This shift wasn’t just about continuing education remotely; it was a profound change that benefited the disability community immensely. By integrating video technology and virtual services, MC provided enhanced access to academic support, counseling, and other essential services. This not only aided students with mobility limitations or those who could not travel due to medical complications but also improved access to specialized academic and support services that were previously out of reach for some due to logistical challenges.
Enhanced Digital Accessibility
The pandemic-driven push towards digital platforms has led to a broader reevaluation of accessibility at MC. Online course materials, virtual classrooms, and digital resources were optimized to ensure compliance with ADA standards, benefiting students with a range of disabilities, including visual and hearing impairments.
A Renewed Focus on Mental Health and Wellbeing
One of the pandemic’s most profound impacts was on mental health, highlighting the need for accessible mental health services. MC responded by expanding its telehealth offerings to include mental health support, utilizing apps and virtual platforms to connect students with counseling and wellness resources. This move not only addressed the immediate needs arising from the pandemic’s challenges but also represented a long-term commitment to destigmatizing and improving access to mental health care.
The Future of Fitness and Wellness
The pandemic also sparked a renewed focus on physical health and wellness, with many seeking new ways to maintain fitness under restricted conditions. MC adapted by offering virtual fitness classes and wellness programs, making these resources more accessible to those who might have faced barriers to accessing traditional gym facilities. This shift towards inclusive fitness and wellness programming aligns with the broader realization of the importance of holistic health in achieving academic and personal success.
Looking Ahead: Continuous Improvement and Innovation
As MC looks to the future, the lessons learned during the pandemic are shaping its approach to education, accessibility, and student support. By continuing to leverage technology and innovative practices, MC is not only adhering to the ADA’s mandates but also championing a more inclusive and accessible educational experience for all students.
As MC continues its journey toward inclusivity and accessibility, understanding and adhering to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) becomes paramount for faculty and staff. The ADA, a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including education, is central to creating an equitable learning environment. Here are practical tips and strategies for faculty and staff at MC to ensure ADA compliance and foster an inclusive atmosphere for all students.

Embrace Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework based on research in the learning sciences, including cognitive neuroscience, that guides the development of flexible learning environments that can accommodate individual learning differences. Incorporating UDL principles in course design and content delivery can significantly enhance accessibility. This means providing multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement so that all students, regardless of their abilities, can access and participate in learning.
  • Implement diverse teaching methods: Include a mix of lectures, interactive activities, visual aids, and hands-on learning to cater to different learning preferences and needs.
  • Offer materials in various formats: Provide course materials, readings, and assignments in multiple accessible formats, such as digital text that can be read by screen readers, videos with captions, and transcripts for audio materials.

Leverage Technology for Accessibility

Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing accessibility for students with disabilities. Familiarize yourself with and utilize the educational technology tools available at MC that support ADA compliance.
  • Use Blackboard Ally to support accessibility: Leverage Ally to automatically measure the accessibility of PDF, Word, OpenOffice, HTML or PowerPoint files uploaded to Blackboard. 
  • Incorporate assistive technologies: Encourage the use of text-to-speech software, screen readers, speech recognition software, and other assistive technologies that can aid students in their learning processes.

Foster an Inclusive Classroom Environment

Creating an inclusive classroom environment is about more than just meeting legal requirements; it’s about fostering a sense of belonging and respect for all students.
  • Promote an open communication policy: Encourage students to communicate their needs and accommodations early in the semester. Make it clear that you are willing to work with them to ensure their success.
  • Regularly review and adjust teaching practices: Be open to feedback from students with disabilities and ready to adjust teaching methods or materials to better accommodate their needs.

Stay Informed and Seek Support

ADA compliance is an ongoing process that requires continuous learning and adaptation.
  • Participate in ADA training and workshops: MC offers training sessions and workshops on ADA compliance and how to create accessible learning environments. Take advantage of these resources to stay informed about best practices.
  • Collaborate with the Disability Support Services (DSS): The DSS office at MC is an invaluable resource for faculty and staff. They can provide guidance on accommodations, assistive technologies, and strategies for teaching students with disabilities.

Implement Proactive Accessibility Measures

Rather than waiting for accommodation requests, proactively incorporate accessibility measures into your courses.
  • Design courses with accessibility in mind from the start: When planning your course, consider accessibility issues that might arise and address them in your course design.
  • Conduct accessibility checks on digital content: Use available tools to check the accessibility of your digital materials and make necessary adjustments.

Adhering to the ADA and fostering an inclusive educational environment is a shared responsibility that enriches the entire MC community. By implementing these tips and strategies, faculty and staff can contribute to a supportive, accessible, and inclusive learning environment where all students have the opportunity to succeed. Remember, inclusivity and accessibility are not just about removing barriers; they’re about creating a community where every student is valued and empowered.

Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution,” a documentary that premiered on Netflix in 2020, embarks on an enlightening journey through the lives of disabled campers who found their voice at Camp Jened, a summer camp in New York tailored for teens with disabilities. Directed by Nicole Newnham and Jim LeBrecht, the latter a former camper himself, the film not only captures the transformative experience of the campers but also traces their path to becoming pivotal figures in the disability rights movement. As we celebrate this month’s focus on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), “Crip Camp” emerges as a compelling narrative that encapsulates the essence of the fight for accessibility and equality.

The Genesis of a Movement
Set in the early 1970s, Camp Jened was more than just a summer camp; it was a utopia where disabled teenagers could experience freedom and acceptance, untethered from societal prejudices. The documentary, through a treasure trove of archival footage and poignant interviews, showcases the camp’s role in shaping the identities and activism of its attendees. The camaraderie and collective realization of their potential catalyzed a generation of advocates who would later champion the disability rights movement, culminating in the passage of the ADA in 1990.
From Camp Jened to Capitol Hill
“Crip Camp” masterfully weaves the personal stories of its characters with the broader narrative of the disability rights movement. Figures such as Judith Heumann, a former camper turned leading activist, emerge as heroes in the arduous battle for inclusion. The film’s portrayal of the landmark 504 Sit-in, where disabled individuals occupied a federal building in San Francisco for nearly a month, highlights the relentless spirit and unity of the community. This momentous event is depicted as a pivotal turning point that brought national attention to the discrimination faced by individuals with disabilities.
The Spirit of ADA
As “Crip Camp” unfolds, the connection to the ADA becomes unmistakably clear. The documentary not only serves as a historical recount of the movement that led to the act’s passage but also as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for rights and recognition. The ADA, while a monumental achievement, is portrayed as a milestone in the continuous journey towards full equality and accessibility. The film prompts reflection on the progress made and the challenges that persist, emphasizing the importance of advocacy, allyship, and collective action.
Tying It Into MC’s ADA Focus
For the MC community, “Crip Camp” resonates with the institution’s commitment to inclusivity and accessibility. The documentary reinforces the importance of understanding the historical context behind the ADA and the significance of creating an environment where every student, regardless of ability, is empowered to succeed. It underscores the college’s role in fostering a culture of accessibility and respect, mirroring the spirit of Camp Jened on an educational scale.
As we reflect on the ADA’s impact this month, “Crip Camp” serves as a powerful testament to the resilience, courage, and solidarity of the disability rights movement. It challenges viewers to consider their role in supporting and advancing the principles of the ADA within and beyond the Montgomery College community. The film not only celebrates the achievements of the past but also inspires continued advocacy for a more inclusive future.

February 2024 Updates from the UDC

Welcome to Spring 2024


As we embark on a new academic semester, it’s a moment to reflect and build upon the remarkable strides made in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) at MC. Across the college, UDL has been a beacon of change, advocating for learning environments where every student’s potential can be realized, regardless of their unique background or learning style. 

The journey so far has been inspiring. Last semester, more and more faculty embraced UDL principles, developing more adaptable and inclusive teaching methods. This movement is not just about academic accessibility; it’s a broader commitment to recognizing and valuing diversity in our classrooms. 

Our ongoing task is to sustain and enhance this momentum. At the start of this semester, let’s continue to innovate and refine our approaches. This means further diversifying our teaching materials, embracing varied methods of student engagement, and offering flexible assessment options. 

This semester, let’s reinforce our commitment to inclusivity. By maintaining a focus on UDL, we ensure that our educational environments remain dynamic and responsive to all students’ needs. Every effort we make is a step towards a more equitable and successful academic experience for everyone. 

Join us in reinforcing this path of inclusivity, where success is not just a possibility but a reality for every student. Let’s keep the momentum of Universal Design going, making our classrooms a model of accessibility and inclusiveness. 

Learn more about UDL from our Universal Design Center. 

As educators, one of our paramount goals is to build a robust sense of belonging among our students. WDCE Professor Philip Bonner’s innovative approach last semester illuminated the profound impact of ‘Inclusion by Design’ in achieving this goal. By thoughtfully integrating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles into his course structure, Professor Bonner not only enhanced academic accessibility but also fostered a deeper connection between students and our college community. 

Inclusion by design goes beyond mere accommodation; it’s about proactively creating a learning environment where every student feels valued, understood, and supported. This approach is vital in a diverse institution like ours, where students’ backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles vary widely. By embracing UDL principles, we can ensure that our teaching methods, course materials, and class activities address the diverse needs of all students, thereby reinforcing their sense of belonging and engagement.  

Below is a checklist based on Professor Bonner’s successful implementation of UDL, tailored for you to use as a guide in your courses: 

UDL Checklist for Enhancing Student Belonging and Connection 

Inclusive Syllabus Design: 

  • Use language that is welcoming and clear. 
  • Clearly outline course objectives, expectations, and accessibility resources. 

Diverse Learning Materials: 

  • Provide materials in various formats (e.g., text, audio, video) accessible to all. 

Varied Teaching Methods: 

  • Employ a mix of teaching strategies to cater to different learning styles. 

Feedback and Assessment Methods: 

  • Utilize diverse assessment methods and provide constructive feedback. 

Student Engagement and Interaction: 

  • Encourage active participation and peer-to-peer learning. 

Office Hours and Support: 

  • Clearly communicate your availability and encourage students to seek support. 

Continuous Improvement: 

  • Regularly gather and act on student feedback to enhance the learning experience. 

Community Building: 

  • Foster activities that connect students to the broader MC community. 

Accessibility and Accommodations: 

  • Ensure each student with an approved accommodation is afforded full access as outlined in their Accommodation Letter from Disability Support Services. 

Cultural Competency: 

  • Include culturally diverse materials and promote inclusive discussions. 

Implementing these strategies can significantly impact our students’ academic and personal growth. Let us all strive to create an environment where every student feels a strong sense of belonging, which is essential for their success and well-being. Let’s make MC a beacon of inclusive and transformative education. 

MC continues to lead the way with its unwavering commitment to cultural competence and inclusion. By integrating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, the college ensures that every student, regardless of background or learning style, has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. 

Understanding Cultural Competence and Inclusion 

Cultural competence at MC is about recognizing and honoring the rich tapestry of diversity within the student body. It involves understanding the cultural, social, and linguistic factors that influence students’ learning experiences. Inclusion, on the other hand, is the practice of creating an environment where all students feel valued and have equal access to learning opportunities. 

Benefits for Students 

The benefits of this approach are multifaceted. Students from diverse backgrounds feel seen and heard, fostering a sense of belonging. This inclusivity leads to improved academic performance, higher levels of engagement, and better overall well-being. Moreover, students graduate with a deeper understanding and appreciation of diversity, which is an invaluable skill in today’s globalized world. 

Tips and Tricks to Increase Cultural Competence and Inclusion 

  • Diversify Course Content: Include materials that reflect the experiences and perspectives of various cultural groups. 
  • Encourage Multilingualism: Celebrate the linguistic diversity of students and incorporate multilingual resources where possible. 
  • Inclusive Participation: Create classroom dynamics where every student feels comfortable contributing, regardless of their cultural background. 
  • Cultural Awareness Training: Provide faculty and staff with training to enhance their understanding and sensitivity towards cultural differences. 
  • Student Feedback Loop: Regularly seek feedback from students about their classroom experiences to make continuous improvements. 
  • Foster Peer Connections: Encourage peer-to-peer learning and support networks among students from different backgrounds. 

Making MC a Place for Everyone to Belong and Succeed 

Montgomery College’s adoption of UDL and its focus on cultural competence is more than a policy; it’s a commitment to making education equitable and accessible. By acknowledging and addressing the diverse needs of its student population, MC creates a nurturing environment where every student can find their place and realize their potential. 

Through these efforts, MC is not just educating students; it’s preparing them to be culturally competent leaders of tomorrow. The college remains dedicated to this mission, continually evolving its practices to ensure that every student not only belongs but also thrives and succeeds. 

Learn more about these efforts through our partners in the Office of Equity and Inclusion

Dr. Paul Miller, professional development director for ELITE, and co-founder and co-chair of MC’s Universal Design Center has been accepted to the 2024 Teach Access Faculty Fellowship Program. 

Teach Access, a national nonprofit, recently announced its 2024 Faculty Fellowship Program cohort, of 20 fellows from 19 institutions nationwide. The Teach Access Fellowship Program engages educators and administrators to create purposeful communities of action for teaching accessibility and advocating for it. Over the course of a year, Fellows are supported in learning how accessibility informs their practice, in teaching about it to others, and in strategizing for embedding it into the curriculum. 

Fellows will learn from leading experts in accessibility and inclusion, develop and implement innovative approaches to teaching accessibility in their course(s), and collaborate with other educators to further advocacy, support, and work for teaching accessibility. This mentorship includes guidance from professionals in academia and industry, so Fellows can equip learners to build toward an inclusive world. 

Teach Access aims to reach 1 million students by 2030 and recently shared their 2023 Impact Report noting they have reached more than 415,000 students since 2018. Additional free programs and resources for students and educators are available. For more information visit their website. 

Welcome to the Universal Design Center

Inclusion by Design

UDC Services

The UDC is a technical assistance approach that supports the awareness and change need at MC to apply UD principals intentionally in everything that we do. Through a technical assistance approach, the UDC is a form of professional help, guidance or support to be more effective in the performance of our college-wide functions. It is an active process with steps to follow; makes use of tools, via process consultation, requires specific skills and focuses on achieving set goals.


Come explore what accessibility means and join the efforts to break down barriers for our MC community.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Come and explore the UDL framework, a tool to support teaching and learning and develop expert learners.

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