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You  find treasure at MC sometimes. You never know what exciting thing you might run into next. This time I found the World of Montgomery Festival at the Rockville campus. Montgomery College you amaze me with your diversity.

Hey my name is Michael Gorres, I’m 21 years old and a Graphic Design Major at the Rockville campus of Montgomery College. I was born and raised in Montgomery County and graduated from Magruder High School. After graduating from MC, I hope to receive a bachelor’s degree from UMBC. Eventually, I intend to become a successful graphic designer at a well known Gaming Company.

When I'm not in school or at work I like to play video games, try new foods, go hiking, and hang out with my friends. To me, the best memories are those spent with great people. I'm pretty much an energetic, nerdy, and creative guy.  I look forward to entertaining you with all my adventures in and around campus! 

Comments (2)

  1. Danny, I am so glad you covered this fabulous event! I believe this is the 2nd year on the Rockville Campus and it seems to continually get better. I was there Saturday!! It was a gorgeous day (last year was sooo cold) and the featured entertainment was awesome. We also enjoyed the Science West building tour. I got a chance to see the observatory and take a look the sun through the lens of one of their telescopes (I believe it uses mirrors to protect your eyes). We are so fortunate to have so many awesome (and free) activities in our community.

    1. Thanks Jane! Just to clarify, My name is Michael. Danny posts on Sunday too, so I can see the confusion. Anyways, YEAH it was really cool being there this year and seeing all the different entertainments at each booth. Ill try to cover more events so everyone can see what happens here on campus.

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